Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,42

perfectly fine with me driving. I didn’t run anyone over or anything if that’s what you were worried about. I even went the speed limit, though I can feel it has some power when I give it gas.”

Gesturing to the car, I tell her, “Yeah, it does. Now get your sexy ass back in there, Angel. I’ll follow you to the apartment. We can eat then. I’m diving between those thighs for some dessert. Plan to make you whimper my name again, just like last night.”

“Yours or mine?” Savannah asks, and everything inside me screams at me to tell her it’s gonna be our place and our stuff in it before she can blink and attempt to offer up a protest. I don’t say jack, however, not wanting to frighten her off. I gotta let her get used to the idea of us being a thing before I start really laying down my plans of the future with her. It’s been a few weeks. I don’t plan on losing her before I have my hooks in deep.

After being intimate with her all night and then watching her sleep, it caused me to think long and hard. I had time to realize exactly what I want in my future, and it has her front and center. One thing’s for sure, though. I’ve got to get her to tell me why in the fuck Maliki’s hunting her.


Hard truth: You cannot change things by loving them harder. @liveinthedetails

“Angel,” Sebastian rasps, meeting my gaze as he strides through my apartment door. I parked his car in front of my place so he’d know I was here waiting for him. I could’ve sat and relaxed in the car at his apartment, but he hasn’t invited me into his space yet. He’s let me around the clubhouse, however, and I have a feeling that with a man like Bash, it’s significantly more important to him. I’d believe he lived at that MC if it weren’t for him mentioning his apartment to me a couple of times and then having his car parked around the back of the buildings as well.

“I have our food in the oven.” I offer an easy smile. It’s all pretty domestic, and I’m not too sure how he’ll take it. You hear those stories of the bad boys not liking to be tied down in any way, how they like the wild, inconsistent, playboy types. Could Sebastian be that way as well? His face lit up earlier when he saw me and then again when I told him I brought him some dinner. Maybe he’s a bad boy without that particular bad habit. “If you want to come sit, I’ll get you a beer?” I offer and gesture to the oversized farmhouse table. My cheeks heat, remembering how he had me on that very table.

“Mm,” he hums. “I see you staring at that spot. I know you’re thinking of me eating your pussy. Shit, I’m reminiscing over it too, baby.”

“I couldn’t forget it…even if I tried,” I acknowledge, opening the fridge and leaning in to grab us a couple of beers. As I make my way over to him, he takes the bottles from me and twists the tops off. He hands me mine, and I flash him a soft look. That was sweet and unnecessary, yet he did it regardless. He’s always doing thoughtful stuff like that. I don’t doubt it for a moment that Bash is a badass, hardened one-percenter, but when it comes to me, he’s just…different. That sounds so cliché, but it’s the truth. I think it’s what draws me to him so strongly. That and the fact he doesn’t attempt to smother me like some men have done in the past.

He grins. “Nah, you don’t want to forget that. It was too fucking good.” He winks, making a giggle bubble up in my chest.

“I’m glad you’re in a good mood. You looked a bit stressed when I pulled up at your club. Are things always so tense with you and Chaos?”

He shrugs, releasing a sigh. “He’s my closest friend, my brother. It wasn’t tense between us, just the subject we were discussing was. We both worry and look out for each other. We’re family, and that’s what you do.”

I nod, enjoying that he’s comfortable enough to open up to me. He’s been fairly closed off on his club relations, keeping things more surface level when we mention the MC. It’s usually during one of our quick lunches Copyright 2016 - 2024