Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,41

him pay me the same respect in return, it makes me feel some type of way. He’s not just my MC brother; he’s my brother by choice.

Chaos meets my knuckles as my Charger comes into view, the blacked-out windows effectively hiding the beautiful woman behind the wheel. I toss the rest of the cancerous cigarette to the ground, smashing it out with the toe of my boot. I don’t want Savannah coming around me while I reek of cigarette smoke. She always smells all flowery or like burgers when she’s around me, and I don’t wanna stink to her.

“Hm,” he hums, leaning back against the building.

My angel surprises me when she pulls my car into one of the lined spots, right next to my bike in the parking lot. It’s nowhere near the time she’s usually off. Having her here right now kind of sets me on edge after what happened with Maliki today. My heart speeds up, worried that she’s here for a reason that I’m not going to like. I frown, waiting for her to get out and tell me what’s going on.

Chaos emits a low whistle, uttering, “Damn, it’s like that now, huh?”

I roll my eyes and grumble in response. Of course, I’m gonna catch shit for letting my woman drive my car. The brothers never see me driving the damn thing, let alone allowing a female to.

“Tell me you at least tapped that pussy.”

“I’ve licked that cunt, fingered it, and fucked it. Filled it with my cum four times last night.”

“Fuck. That good?” His brows lift with interest, already moving past the seriousness from moments before. If he were anybody else, I’d be getting possessive and shit, but he’s my prez. I know he asks ‘cause it’s his place to be in the middle of all our business. Not only that, but the nosey asshole’s my best fucking friend. We don’t keep shit from each other…haven’t for a long time.

I meet his stare, admitting, “Best I’ve ever had.” He casts his regard to my woman, observing as she climbs out of the sleek car, happily beaming in my direction. “Glad she had the blacked-out windows and different ride, after learning what I did today.”

Chaos nods, not mentioning anything else as Savannah approaches. “Hey, you,” she says my way, before greeting my prez. “Hello, Chaos.”

He chin-lifts at her before telling me, “We’ll talk more on it later.”

“Bet.” I watch as he strides away and then face my angel. She makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. The feeling’s foreign, and I don’t really know what to do with it. I want to put the bitch in my pocket and keep her next to me all the damn time. “Hey, Sweet Pea. Wasn’t expecting you yet. Everything okay?”

She grins, wrapping her arms around my middle to tuck in close. She peers up at me and divulges, “The diner was slow, so I got to leave early. Normally, I’d stay and close, but when they mentioned one of us getting off early, I asked first. I was hoping for a repeat of last night,” she admits, licking her lips.

She’s sexy as fuck, wanting my cock.

“Tonight was the chicken fried steak and mashed potato special, so I brought some for you.”

And my bitch brought food, too. She’s definitely a keeper.

Her thoughtfulness makes my lips tip into a smirk. I’ve been stressed the fuck out since Jinx, and I rode away from Maliki. Having her in my arms is finally giving me a moment to breathe easily again. “You’re always thinking of me, yeah?” I put my nose to the top of her head, taking in the flowery smell from her shampoo. It’s the scent I’d been thinking of all damn day after spending the night breathing it in from her pillows. I press a kiss to the silky locks, and reach up, tugging the elastic band out of her hair. She had it pulled into a tight ponytail for work, but I prefer it when it’s wild, and I can wrap it around my fist.

She dips her chin, her cheeks turning pink. “You do sweet things for me, too, and you let me drive your car today without a second thought. The least I can do is make sure you have something to eat.”

I squeeze her tightly. “Trust me, babe, I gave you driving my car around multiple thoughts today,” I tease, making her grin.

She smacks my stomach, making me hiss from my bruised ribs. “Oh, hush, your car was Copyright 2016 - 2024