Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,40

the name. My eyes flick to the image, and I swallow. My chest aching at the picture of my angel smiling back at me. Exhaling, I shake my head. “Nope, never seen her before. I’d remember her if so…damn.” I move to hand the photo back, but he stops me, gesturing to Jinx.

“Maybe he’s seen her?”

My eyes meet Jinx’s, silently begging him not to give up Savannah. We’ve been around each other long enough that I think we can tell when one of us isn’t feeling something. As much as it pains my chest to do so, I grit my teeth and hand him the image.

He stares down at it for a beat, and I know he’s aware of who she is. There’s no denying that’s the same woman who’s been on the back of my bike damn near every day since she showed up at the compound, and we had lunch together. I’m bracing myself for him to offer her up when he shakes his head. “It’s no one I’ve ever fucked.” He gives the photo back to Maliki and straddles his motorcycle without another word. I don’t doubt it for a moment that he’ll be bringing this up later. Can’t say I blame him. I’d do the same if the roles were reversed.

Maliki moves to hand me the photo again. “Keep it. I have copies. If you see her, please reach out.”

I tuck the image inside my cut. “Of course. We’ll be back on Friday to finish up.”

“Until then,” he comments and heads back to his SUV. I watch as his man opens the back door and then closes it once Maliki is tucked inside. His guy meets my stony gaze before getting into the front passenger side, and they drive away.

“Later,” I growl to Jinx before he can mention it. “I need to hear her out first.” He doesn’t respond, he just fires his motorcycle up. I swing my leg over my seat, starting my ride and follow once he takes off.

This is a goddamn cluster fuck. Savannah has a lot of explaining to do.

We head back to the club, and Jinx veers off before we leave Atlanta entirely. He’s got his own shit to handle, and I trust him to keep this new information about Savannah between us. If I didn’t trust the brother with my life, I wouldn’t be working with him on a deal this large. It could put us away for many years if the wrong person caught wind of it.

I make it back to the compound to find Chaos outside, leaning against the old firehouse that serves as our club. Out of anyone in the MC, he needs to know what just happened. I open up and bring him up to speed on my deal with Jinx and how it has to do with Maliki. Chaos is familiar with the billionaire. His twisted dead brother was into the sex trade, amongst many other crooked ways to scam people out of their hard-earned money.

“Told me that his friend is searching for his daughter. He’s got to be fucking lying. Savannah mentioned that her father is dead.” I take a drag from my cigarette. The second one today due to one asshole.

He folds his arms across his chest, saying the one thing I don’t want to hear. “Or else maybe she’s lying to you, brother.”

“Fuck off,” I grumble, with an irritated exhale.

His hand clamps onto my shoulder, and I flick my gaze back to his. “Keep your eyes open. It’s too easy to be blinded by a pair of tits. You need to hear this shit. That’s why I’m sayin’ it.”

I nod, taking a long drag from the menthol. “I hear you. I also remember all of the bullshit Maliki’s brother was in bed with your father over, and besides that, I believe Savannah. If you’d have seen how fucking tore up she was about her father being dead, you’d understand why I trust she’s telling the truth.”

“Whatever you decide to do, whether it be to offer her up to him, hide her away, or fight for her…I’ve got your back. The MC will have your back. Maybe Sly can find some more info on it all for you. He knew some big shots with the bets and fighting and whatnot.”

“Appreciate that, man. I’ll talk to him,” I choke out, holding my knuckles out for a fist bump. I’ve always backed him on whatever he needed inside the club or out, and to have Copyright 2016 - 2024