Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,39

have him losing his life as well.

Jinx flashes me an irritated glance, no doubt thinking the same thing I am. He eventually nods, knowing how much money we’re going to be bringing in. “I’ll help with the product. You pay Bash for it, and he’ll give me my cut. Make it easier on everyone.” He flicks his cigarette to the ground and stomps it out.

I release a tense breath, grateful for my brother going easy on this. He must realize how important this deal is to me. It could bring in more contacts in the future. Maliki is big in the drug world as far as buying is concerned. He orders enough that I could stop dealing to most of my smaller tweakers and only concentrate on supplying a few key players. I’d be bringing in plenty of cash flow, and it’d significantly reduce my risk of being caught by the cops.

I send Jinx a grateful chin-lift, letting him know that I appreciate what he’s done. He knows I’ll square him up on his take and not fuck him over. We may hate everyone else, but in our club, loyalty is imperative.

I stretch my neck, moving it from right to left and tell Maliki, “We can have everything you requested by Friday. You pay half upfront like the last time we did business and half when it’s delivered.” I’d sold him a smaller amount in the past—a tester if you will. He liked what I had to offer and decided he wanted me to be his main supplier, based on the quality.

Maliki gestures to the man still standing beside the back-passenger door. We all watch as he rounds the vehicle, opening the hatch. He’s behind the SUV for a moment before returning with two solid black backpacks. He hands one to me and the other to Jinx.

Maliki motions to the bags. “Just as you instructed. The bags are insulated and packed full of hundred-dollar bills.” I always request the money in a nondescript black backpack. It’s easier for me to ride with, and I don’t have to worry about strapping it down. Believe it or not, but when money is stuffed in the right way, the bags can be fairly heavy. You think paper doesn’t weigh anything, but stick a couple packs of printer paper in a bag and tell me the shit doesn’t weigh anything.

“Sounds good. We’ll put in our orders and get our end of things rolling in place. I take it we met here because this will be the drop-off point as well as the initial exchange?”

The billionaire agrees. “There will be two SUVs parked out here. The bay will be lifted when you arrive so my employees can download the product. You’ll get the other half of your payment and be on your way. My help will make sure everything is reloaded and taken to my personal location. I won’t be here when you arrive, and if for any reason you don’t see the two SUVs I mentioned, keep driving and call me directly.”

“We can handle that, no problem.”

“It’s been a pleasure.” He tilts his head toward us. “I have to get back to my business, as I’m sure you do as well.”

“Yeah.” I agree, ready to get the fuck out of here. I’m sure my brother is as well. I don’t like being in this area without having the rest of my brothers for backup in case shit goes south.

He turns away, then pauses suddenly. “Oh, one more thing,” Maliki begins and reaches inside his suit jacket. He pulls a photo free from the inside pocket and says, “I’ve been looking for a friend’s daughter. She’s been gone a while, so there’s no telling where she could be. Would you let me know if you come across anyone who resembles her? I’ll pay handsomely for any information on her whereabouts.”

“Oh, sure, what’s her name?” I reach for the photo. I doubt I’ll ever see whoever he’s searching for, but I’m not going to tell him that outright and chance fucking up our deal in any way. Kings of Carnage don’t deal in human flesh anymore, so the only women we pay any mind to is the club whores around the club who willingly want to be there.

“Savannah Lexington,” he replies, gesturing to the photo in my hand that I hadn’t looked at yet.

My free hand curls into a fist as I fight every muscle in my face to not show any sign of recognition at Copyright 2016 - 2024