Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,51

her forever because of it?

She leans back, meeting my gaze. Tears swim in her eyes. “I-I’m scared, Sebastian. I’ve been keeping a low profile, and that includes not going to the doctors. How can I have a baby if I can’t go to a hospital for checkups? This is why I’ve been anxious. I don’t have the answers to any of this, except to come out in the open.”

I squeeze her a little tighter, wishing I could take her uncertain thoughts away and replace them with contentment. I tackle the largest issue first, pleased she’s finally come to me with something I can fix. “The club has a doctor on standby. I can have him help out with that aspect. I can get you vitamins or whatever and bribe whoever I have to, if necessary.”

She shakes her head, “That’s not all, Sebastian. If it was only a doctor, I wouldn’t be so freaked out. There’s more, so much more. I haven’t told you everything about my past, about what made me become so secretive.”

“Talk to me, baby. I’m here for you. Not only do I care a fuck of a lot about you, but you’re going to be the mother of my child. Tell me what else is messing with that pretty head of yours.”

“I’ve been hiding…crap, it’ll be so much harder to hide with a newborn. How can I raise a child in all of this?” It’s spoken more to herself than me. It’s like the thought hit her, and everything else faded away, including me. Her words strike fear in my heart, a sadness mixed with anger spirals through me, and I spit out the first thing that comes to my mind.

“So, what are you saying? You plan to kill it? You’re gonna get rid of our kid without even explaining what the fuck’s going on?”

Savannah gasps, the tears coming quicker and spilling over her flushed cheeks. “No, I-I was planning on telling you more about my circumstances, so you know what you’re in for. Or, if you decide that you want me out of your life for good. I’d understand if you did.” She sniffles, and a possessive growl rumbles my chest. She’s not going anywhere, and neither is our baby. If I have to tie her sexy ass to the bed and hand feed her until she gives in, then I’ll do what it takes to make her see me more clearly.

“That’s the last fucking thing I want. I care about you, and now I’ll be caring about the baby as well. I’ll repeat myself however many times I have to-to make you believe me. I’m in it for the long haul, babe, there’s no turning back now. We’ve created a life. Now, tell me, Savannah. No more procrastinating. I can shoulder some of that burden you’ve been hauling around. Let me do it; let me be your man.”

She hiccups, her free hand swiping at her wet cheeks. It kills me to see my sweet angel such a mess over this shit. “You already know my father died, but there’s much more to that story that I’ve kept to myself.”

“All right, let’s hear it.” I hold her to me as I sit on the bed, her body securely resting in my lap. There’s no way in hell I’m going to allow her to run off if she suddenly decides to try.

“My father, his death…it was all cold and calculated. He was murdered after his bank accounts were drained.”

“No shit? I’d been putting pieces together, but to have you say that aloud, it solidifies things a bit more.”

Tears trail down her flesh as she quietly sobs. My heart breaks for my woman. I want to take her pain inside and swallow it away. “After I discovered him, I lost it a little. I couldn’t let this heartless killer get away with what he’d done. I started looking into him, and I quickly realized there were many other deaths related to him. He was a greedy pig, hiring people to work with him then stealing their money from underneath their noses. My father found out what he was doing and was killed for it.”

“Christ,” I huff as the depth of her situation begins to rear its ugly head.

She continues. “I-I came up with a plan, and I found the murdering sicko. I made sure we crossed paths.”

“Fuck, baby.” I exhale, clenching my fists at the thought of her safety being in jeopardy. She’s too brave for her own Copyright 2016 - 2024