Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,36

mouth drops open. “You own a car? This entire time you’ve had me ride on your motorcycle and haven’t once bothered to mention that you have a car? I’ve worn my hair in a braid for weeks because I thought there wasn’t another option!”

With a snicker, I shake my head. “There isn’t another option. If I didn’t have to jet, then you’d be on my bike today too. Since that’s not the case and I don’t want you with anyone else, you can take my car to work. At least I’ll have the peace of mind that you’re safe and not gonna break down anywhere or get kidnapped by some random psycho. I’ll have to see you tonight when I get back. All right?”

She concedes with a nod. “I can bring us some dinner.”

“Sounds perfect, baby. I’m also leaving you with a burner phone. Can’t have you without a way to reach me.” I press a kiss to her forehead and lean over to her bedside table to assist me in getting out of bed. Last night was fun, but my ribs are screaming in protest today. Her bed must be a full-size or something, ‘cause I was squished up to her all night. Not that I minded one bit or anything, busted ribs and all.

In fact, I’m going to make a call today and get a bigger bed delivered. I doubt she wants to be at my place all the time in our near future, or else I wouldn’t bother. If I’m going to be spending time over here, which I plan to, then we need a bigger bed. I find my jeans and dig around in my pockets until I find what I need. I hand her the key fob along with the cheap disposable phone. “It’s in the back, parked in front of my place.”

She nods, offering me a sweet smile. “Okay. Thank you, Sebastian. You have no idea what this means to me, how much I appreciate you trusting me with these. What color is the car, so I don’t look like an idiot wandering around back there?”

“It’s the destroyer gray Charger. Powder-coated rims, black windows.”

“Why am I not surprised you’d have a vehicle with paint called destroyer gray?” She laughs, and I shrug, not disturbed in the slightest by her cute attempt at ribbing me.

“If I’m gonna be stuck driving a car around, it won’t be anything ugly. The thing just sits there anyhow; I prefer my bike. It should still have a full tank, so you don’t have to worry about anything, just driving.”

“Thank you, Sebastian. Really.”

Wearing a smirk, I climb on the bed to lean over to press a kiss on her pouty lips. “I’m out. See you tonight, gorgeous,” I say against her mouth and kiss her again because it’s hard to get enough of her. Especially when she’s so beautiful like this. She makes my heart beat overtime.

Savannah offers me a bright smile as I hop out of bed, snatch my jeans again, and head for the living room. I’d tossed my clothes off between there and the kitchen last night, so I have to hunt them down. I’d grabbed my jeans sometime in the middle of the night, in case the club hit me up for an emergency, but that was it. Once I get them yanked back on, ribs protesting and all, I hear the shower turn on. With one last glance around the place, I lock the door and close it behind me. I wish I could hang around here all day and continue exploring her delectable body, but that’ll have to wait. If she’s up for it tonight, though, I’ll pick back up where we left off.

I straddle my bike and send off two texts. The first one is to a prospect, telling him to get his ass over here to watch out for Savannah. I can’t remember the guy’s name, but he’s only a prospect, so it’s not something for me to worry about. I don’t want my woman to know I’ve got a guy on her, but I want him close enough in case she needs help for any reason. This area likes to cast their judgments on the MC and the life we choose to live. Their opinions may’ve been somewhat deserved in the past with the sex trafficking. Still, I don’t want any of those convictions extended toward my woman. We live out here to be away from the masses, yet it makes Copyright 2016 - 2024