Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,37

us stand out to the locals since there aren’t very many.

The second text goes out to my brother, Jinx. Aside from Chaos, Jinx would be the other brother I’d consider myself to be really close to. That’s why I felt comfortable enough for us to make this deal together. I needed a partner based on the amount of blow this big-time buyer wants. With how much he requested, I need to get cocaine by the goddamn truckload to fulfill this new asshole’s order. That requires Jinx being part of the cut…not that I mind.

It’s too much of a risk if I bring in that much powder alone. However, if we divide it up, and my brother’s responsible for half, then it’ll be less likely to raise any red flags. He can bring in a shit ton using his railroad system. At the same time, I can make up for anything else we need by my furniture delivery contact. I have a guy who moves my product inside his furniture orders, so the cops don’t catch on.

I let Jinx know I’m headed toward the club so we can meet up and ride into Atlanta together. Most of the brothers don’t mind the city, but personally, I can’t stand it. There’s always boatloads of traffic, and if it’s a specific time, you’re basically fucked if you’re in a hurry to go anywhere. Not only that, but there’s the gang presence as well. I already have to watch my back with my MC colors and skin tone pissing enough people off, but then you throw in some of those wannabe thugs, and all hell breaks loose. I’ve been randomly shot at more times than I can count, and the moment you shoot back, there’s a news story on another young life being taken. They like to leave out the details about how he was a punk thug, shooting at bikers like he was some kind of badass motherfucker when he was really a fucking troublemaker trying to step foot on turf he doesn’t run.

As you can tell, I’m jaded on that subject. I have little sympathy for fucknuts who go out stirring up trouble when there doesn’t need to be any. I’m all about live and let live, as long as you stay the fuck outta my way.

The turnoff to our MC comes up, and I notice Jinx. He’s straddling his idling bike at the end of the road where it meets the main road I’m on. He’s waiting for me, I assume. I slow down, chin-lifting his way, and he hits the road, easily catching up to me as we head for the city.

Jinx is our road captain, so I fall behind him a foot or so. He can pick the route we’ll take, and I’ll follow. I’m familiar with the areas, but he’s always got directions planned out the best way. I wouldn’t ask him to take over my club shit, so I don’t attempt to step on his toes where the road is concerned. Besides, it’s a good feeling being able to let someone else that you can trust in, to handle their share. Less for me to worry about.

The ride goes by too quickly for my liking. I’ve always been a big fan of longer road trips. I had some much-warranted time with my thoughts—Savannah Mae being at the front and center. I love to ride and don’t mind the business side of this life, but today I find myself wanting to be back in bed with her. Our fucking was straight out phenomenal, but I also enjoyed waking up next to her warm body and feminine flowery scent. I’d assumed that once I fucked her, it’d take away some of her allure over me, but I was mistaken. We’d gone back to her bedroom and she’d rode my cock until I saw stars. Each time after seemed to get even better. However, it’s hard to believe that’s possible considering the first time I was inside her was pretty goddamn epic.

“You ready for this?” Jinx asks once we’ve walked our bikes backward to park. We’re tucked up close to a warehouse owned by our buyer. We’ve had prospects riding through here for the past week, watching over the area in case we were being set up. Each day their reports check out to be straight, so here we are.

I shrug, cutting my engine. I grab my smokes from my saddlebag, offering one to Jinx before lighting up. He takes Copyright 2016 - 2024