Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,35

so he knew how to climb out of the hole.

It took all of us doing our share, but we made it. Now our days are filled with jobs, pussy, and club life. I bring in my fair share by dealing to Atlanta’s elite drug users, as well as provide the locals with their hookup. Sly does his part by collecting protection money from some businesses as well as betting. North has his hands in deep with the strip club, and Jinx runs drugs through the railroad. It’s right in his back yard—or damn near, anyhow—and he takes full advantage of the convenience.

Out of nowhere, this angel drops into my life and leaves my head spinning. I think I took one look at her and was a goner from that moment on, even if it was a few weeks until I realized that I have it bad and admitted it to myself. I’m a stubborn ass at times, and where Savannah is concerned, it seems to amplify tenfold.

“Sweet Pea,” I rasp, leaning in to place soft kisses along her shoulder. She’s on her belly, head facing the opposite way. I’d fucked her all night and worn her ass out. It’s nearly noon now, and I’ve got shit to do. I know she has to work sometime today as well. Probably two p.m. or so—it’s her usual shift.

“Mm?” she mumbles sleepily and stretches, kicking the sheet away from her gloriously naked body. She’s breathtakingly beautiful, curvy in all the right places with a juicy ass. Seeing my cum dried between her thighs makes her even more enticing. She’s fucking sexy.

I move my hand to her back, running my rough palm over her silky-smooth skin. If I didn’t have to make a drop, I’d take her again right now. “I have to handle some shit…gonna take me out of town. What time do you work?”

She stays on her belly but turns her head to meet my sated gaze. “I go in at two. I have the dinner shift again.”

I nod, bringing my hand up to smooth my knuckles along her jaw. “I’ll be out of town for most of the day. You gonna be good?”

She smirks. “I may be walking a little funny; otherwise, I’ll be okay.”

A chuckle breaks free as I take in the ten or so hickeys I left during our various activities. I don’t doubt it for a moment that she’s feeling me everywhere. I did that shit on purpose. Everyone will see that I’ve made her mine.

She flashes me a quick look, mentioning, “You can go do whatever you need to. I’ll call an Uber for a ride.”

My grin drops, and I release a grumble of protest. “You never know what kind of twisted fuck is driving an Uber, babe. It’s different if your ol’ man is with you, but alone, I don’t like it.”

She rolls her eyes, turning her face back in the other direction. She’s sassy and independent, two things that drive me mad for her, but also up the wall. I respect her, but I also want to make sure she’s safe. I’ve lived the rough life for many years. I know what kind of assholes lie in wait to prey on pretty, perfect bitches like my Sav.

“Hey, don’t shut me out. I’m being rational, not a dick.”

She sits up, fully facing me. The sheets rest below us, and her tits are right there on display for me. The sight is entirely too enticing, begging for my touch. I’d be all over her in a heartbeat, but I have to go and make some serious cash for the club and to spoil her with. “My car is still broken, Sebastian. I don’t want to Uber either and spend cash I need to save, but I don’t want to ask anyone else for a ride either. Sly offered before, and it didn’t feel right, even if he is a nice guy.”

A possessive growl rumbles my chest. “No shit, it didn’t feel right, ‘cause it’s not. You’re mine, Angel. Don’t forget that important detail.”

“You’ve made yourself abundantly clear. I heard you say it last night. It’s all good, as long as you remember it goes both ways, VP.”

My face lights back up at her claim. She’s just as stubborn as I am, and I like it. A lot. “I actually have a solution to this problem. I’m going to leave you my key fob, and you’ll take my car. Unlike yours, mine won’t leave you stranded, Sweet Pea.”

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