Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,34

out, being a smartass and not making much sense. It doesn’t matter, though, because I understand what I’m saying, and luckily Bash is smart enough to get it as well.

“That’s different.”

I huff and roll my eyes, not about to buy into his bullshit at the moment. I attempt to move away, but he doesn’t let me go anywhere. Stubborn biker.

“I was trying not to pressure you. I explained that to you when you showed up. We weren’t exclusive, and I was only letting Cookie suck me off until I saw your face. Once you walked into the bar, I knew that bitch could never satisfy me, not as long as I have you in my life.”

“Yet, you got off. I was there; I watched the entire thing!”

“’Cause you were there throwing a fucking tantrum, and it was sexy as fuck. Never had a bitch take control of another female while she was sucking my cock. You have no idea how erotic you were. You! No one else.” He leans in, nudging my nose with his. “Don’t start this shit, or else I’ll go right back to fuckin’ you. I won’t give you a break either like I’d intended to.”

I fight against it, but I’m not strong enough to fully hide my grin from his explanation. Hearing him rationalize it like that, saying I was the one calling the shots. It makes me feel as if I was in control, and that’s exactly what I was striving for when I decided to make a point of it to him at the club. “Does this new label make you mine, as well, or is this situation supposed to be one-sided?”

He cocks an eyebrow, his blue irises sparkling. He’s enjoying all of this far too much. “You gonna let me fill this pretty pink cunt up whenever I want to with my tongue, fingers, and cock?”

My eyes widen. “I’m sure we could work something out, depending on the circumstances.”

He grins. “Like I said before, babe…don’t want any other bitch.” It’s not a straight out yes or no, but I’ll take it. He’s a biker, used to being wild and free. I have a feeling it’s going to take a little while for him to get used to the idea of our new labels, of me reeling him in, even if he’s the one who started handing out the branding first. I should be happy he’s not literally trying to stamp his name on me somewhere.

“I have one request if you plan on keeping up this pace.”

His brow scrunches. “Did I hurt you too badly?”

I shake my head. “I loved it.”

He visibly relaxes, pressing a quick kiss to my lips. “Then what is it, Angel?”

“Take me to my bed, Sebastian. It’s my turn to show you how I move my hips.” I wink, and he chuckles.

“You’re gonna be the fucking death of me, Angel. The sweetest, fucking death,” he says as he lifts me in his arms, careful to keep his hefty dick tucked firmly inside my heat. He carries me toward the hallway that leads to my bedroom, and I grin the entire time. We’ve got a lot of makeup sex to have, and I’m going to make damn sure he doesn’t hesitate to say no the next time a woman offers him a blowjob.

Sebastian is mine. I claimed him, and those other club women better back off.


Vulnerability: The last thing I want you to see in me. The first thing I look for in you. - Brene Brown

My fingers trail through Savannah’s silky hair as I watch her sleep soundly, her creamy flesh looking beautiful against her lilac sheets. How I ended up meeting someone like her is beyond me. I have to chalk it up to fate because without that wreck, I don’t think I’d have found her anytime soon. She’s way out of my league, and I’m taking advantage of having her while I can. I may be brash and rough around the edges at times, but I’m no idiot.

I’ve been solely focused on the club. After Chaos took over, it’s been one day at a time rebuilding to where the MC needs to be. It’s taken time and patience for each of us to establish good business connections and bring in a decent payday. After getting the KOC away from dealing in flesh, it hit another low. We were out of money and down to a skeleton crew. Chaos has been in the life for God knows how long, Copyright 2016 - 2024