Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,33

and love every second of it.

I release a gasp of surprise as he suddenly thrusts his length inside me. He didn’t need to line himself up or anything, one minute he was there, and the next, he was deeply seated in my core. My pussy burns a bit as he stretches me wider than my fingers usually do. I haven’t been with a man in a while, and the last one was only average in dick size. Sebastian fills me, and the sensation is marvelous, exactly what I was craving from him.

“Fuck,” he grunts. “This pussy has just been waiting for me to fill it, hasn’t it, babe?”

“Yes! You feel really, really good,” I murmur, ensconced in his warm embrace.

“You needed to be fucked, didn’t you?” he asks. I draw his bottom lip into my mouth, sucking on it a moment before I release it to nip along his jaw. “I understand why you’re feisty now. This pussy is what dreams are made of.” He peppers kisses over the tops of my breasts, leaving little love bites and purple marks behind.

The wooden table’s painfully hard, and as he increases his quick, punishing pace, he wraps an arm underneath me. It helps to act as a sort of barrier between my back and the wood, and I’m touched at his efforts to make sure I’m comfortable. It’s not necessary, though, as the orgasm he gave me was plenty to relax my mind and muscles. He clenches me tightly to him, his hips making sharp jerky thrusts. It’s so different than having his mouth and fingers working me over. It’s more intimate, and his body heat warms my skin. I want to cling to him and never let go.

My core squeezes at the thought of keeping him near me for the long haul, and he groans. “Best pussy, Savannah. Not giving this cunt up. Gonna put anyone that thinks they can touch you six feet under. This is your warning, Sweet Pea. I don’t share. I’ll rain down hell on any motherfucker who thinks they can cross me on it too.”

I pull his face to mine, my mouth taking his in a tense, blistering kiss. His words are everything I want to hear, even though I shouldn’t. I can’t afford to get wrapped up in a man like Sebastian, yet I can’t seem to stop myself either. He doesn’t deserve the complications I come with. I could put him in danger, and that’s the last thing I’d want for him. No one deserves to die because of me.

Sebastian breaks my kiss, murmuring, “Gonna come, Angel. I need you there with me.” He reaches between our bodies, seeking my clit. He rubs over it with his middle finger, making me scream out with the sudden onslaught of sensations. As if having his length inside me wasn’t enough, now my body’s on overload. “That’s it, Savannah, give your man what he wants. Squeeze that tight cunt around my cock and milk me.”

“Oh, my God!” I yell as bliss crashes through me, taking me under. His groin pistons, the intensity sure to do some damage and make me sore tomorrow. I feel overwhelmed, completely smitten with him, and there’s no turning back at this point. I don’t know if I’ll be able to let him go if I need to in the future.

Hot liquid fills my core, shocking me as I realize he never slipped on a condom before entering me. How could I be so reckless? It’s not like I can go to a doctor’s office for a checkup or anything; that would chance bringing unwanted attention to me, and I can’t have that.

“Y-you didn’t wear a condom!” I sputter, attempting to catch my breath, still in shock.

He grunts, shaking his head into my shoulder. I should feel enraged, yet I can’t bring myself to it. I like the way his cum feels inside me. He mutters against my neck, “Not wearing a condom with my woman.”

“And how many women are yours, exactly? This is concerning; vagina health is important.”

He pulls back, the rapture escaping his features as seriousness reflects back at me. “Just one. You. I don’t fuck around and call women mine if I don’t really mean it. You’re the first for me, and that’s why I wasn’t wearing a condom with you. If I was gonna fuck other bitches, I’d wrap it up. I’d never hurt you like that.”

“You got head from one of them, one of those not-your-other-women,” I point Copyright 2016 - 2024