Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,32

up something fierce from his wreck. My poor, injured biker. You’d never know it because he acts like it doesn’t bother him in the slightest. If I wasn’t around him so much, I’d miss his occasional winces and grunts of pain. I won’t pressure him to lift me or anything again, the last thing I want to do is cause him more physical harm.

I was right about him being on the leaner side, but that’s because he doesn’t have an ounce of fat on him. The man has just the right amount of muscle on his frame to be strong but not bulky. He has my mouth watering as I think about trailing my tongue over every inch of his physique.

He smirks, never peeling his eyes away from me. He toes off his chunky big black biker boots and then shoves his faded jeans down. His cock springs free, and my legs automatically part. My pussy’s on full display, offering my core to him. It happens without me thinking of doing it, like a natural reaction to seeing his hard cock so thick and close by. “So sexy and enticing, Savannah,” he mutters, eyes glued to my open pussy. I’m so soaked for his touch that when the cool air hits me, I shiver with a chill. I need him filling me deep, warming me up from the inside like he did when he had me locked up against the front door.

His hand moves to squeeze his cock, and he pumps it while staring me down. I copy his regard, eagerly watching him jack his dick as I finger my pussy. I want to touch his length, to feel it stretching me open and take pleasure from him. “Please?” I sweetly beg, and his chest rumbles with satisfaction. He’s thoughtful and kind and incredibly alpha when he’s turned on. Clearly, the soft plea was just what he needed from me.

“Fuck,” he gasps as my finger becomes coated in my wetness. He pulls my hand away, sucking my juices from the digit. Once he’s satisfied he’s gotten every drop, he releases it and presses his nose to my clit as he inhales deeply. “I love your scent. Christ,” he comments, then swipes his tongue through my cream. He explores the entire area, licking my slit from my ass up to my clit.

It feels ridiculously good. I can’t stop the moan from leaving my mouth. “Yes, just like that, Bash.”

He’s off me in a heartbeat, standing to his full height, wearing a moody glower. He folds his arms across his chest as I sputter from the sudden loss of his mouth. “What’d you call me?”

It takes me a moment to clear my head enough to think of what I’d said. “I called you Bash.”

He shakes his head. “You’ve been callin’ me Sebastian lately. I like it.”

“Oh,” I exhale. “Okay, then I can call you that instead.”

He nods, satisfied once more, and dives in to continue licking me. Between sucking and nibbling my core, he grumbles. “Want my woman callin’ me by my name. Bash is for the MC. This is you and me. Being real, and I want you knowing Sebastian, not the other asshole.”

I manage not to giggle, although I want to from listening to him gripe at my pussy. It’s kinda cute he gets all pouty over it. One minute he’s storming in here, demanding to get his way, then he’s saying sweet things and getting his feelings hurt because I called him by his MC name. Men say we’re the difficult ones….

He slurps my juices, pushing a finger deep into my center, and I cry out. My orgasm begins to build, makes me clench everything up in anticipation. He feels me tighten my core and thrusts faster. He learned yesterday that it makes me shoot off like a rocket. “Better come for me, baby. Give me what I want, when I want it,” he orders, pushing another finger in deep and my body obeys, folding to his demands.

“Sebastian!” I cry in bliss, and he stays right with me, pumping as I ride out every last moment of my explosive orgasm.

“Mm, now I’m gonna feel that tight wet cunt wrapped around my cock.” He leans over me, bringing his mouth to mine. We kiss. It’s easy to get caught up in his kisses. His tongue is demanding, yet not overwhelmingly so. It’s like meeting an old friend and sharing a warm embrace, only more. I could kiss him for hours Copyright 2016 - 2024