Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,27

To show me that I was on her mind as well. I’m a goddamn dog who doesn’t deserve her. “That’s real sweet of you.”

I look below to the woman still on her knees, waiting for whatever I tell her to do. I chin-lift, gesturing for her to get out of my way. “Not tonight,” I tell her with a moody, unsatisfied growl. No matter how much my cock aches, I won’t be getting sucked off when Savannah’s around. The bitch has me far too intrigued for that shit. I won’t disrespect her in front of my brothers, either. This is bad enough for her, I’m sure.

Savannah’s quick as lightning as she moves to stand behind Cookie, resting her grip on the other woman’s shoulders. “Oh, no,” she argues, tauntingly. “You stay right there.”

Cookie’s shocked stare meets mine. She wants to obey me, as she should. It’s the way the club works, but the fiery Southern belle behind her is demanding different. I’m a little lost as to what Savannah’s up to, so I ignore the whore. “V-VP?” Cookie stutters out.

“The fuck is this, baby?” I question Savannah with a scowl. I can’t handle a scene in front of the members. I’m already catching a ton of shit as it is, and I need their respect with my position. It’s imperative. If they don’t have respect for me, then they won’t give a fuck when I tell them to take care of important business. It could be the difference between life and death.

“I don’t want to interrupt.” My woman glares right back and leans down to stage whisper loudly into Cookie’s ear. “You were about to give him head; don’t let me stop you. Take his pants off,” she hisses. “Let’s see what you’re working with if it’s even worth the trouble.”

I nod at Cookie, telling her to listen. These bitches are off their rocker if they think I’ll back down from this shit. If anything, it’s sexy as fuck witnessing Savannah boss the club whore around, not to mention her little challenge about my size. “Do what she says.”

I hear Chaos’s grunt of amusement beside me, but I ignore him. I tune out everyone else but the two women before me, but I’m barely paying any attention to Cookie. The only reason she’s anywhere near my thoughts is cause she’s that close to my cock, and I don’t want my dick hitting anyone’s teeth.

The club whore sinks her fingers under the elastic of my underwear and tugs the front of them down enough for my cock and nuts to hang completely out and on display. I’ve fucked plenty of women around my brothers, so my cock isn’t anything they haven’t seen before. Savannah’s gaze is challenging. She doesn’t realize that sharing doesn’t bother me…as long as it’s not her I’m sharing. I lean forward until my lips are close enough to hers to graze and rasp, “It won’t suck itself, Angel.”

She inhales a quick, shaky breath. She may’ve done it quietly, but I’m close enough to catch it. I discovered when I was eating her pussy that she loves my dirty talk and for me to tell her what the hell to do. She’s stubborn and headstrong, but she knows how to listen to me when she wants to come, or when she wants to feel me touch her somewhere. Her hold on the whore tightens, and she orders, “Grab his cock and start sucking.”

I can’t believe she’s continuing to push this. I’m floored and turned on all at once. I didn’t take her as a voyeur with the way she was worried someone would see us the other day when we were outside and I had my face buried between her thighs. “It’ll do,” I rasp, “But, I’d prefer you on your knees before me right now,” I admit, flicking my gaze momentarily to Cookie. She’s licking my cock like a fucking lollipop and bobbing on the head. She’s a good little whore, but she’s definitely not the bitch I want. “How’s this work? You gonna take turns to finally get me off?”

Savannah’s eyes pinch to slits, the challenge motivating her to be a bit more reckless. I like witnessing her like this…my little firecracker of a Southern belle is determined to prove herself at me by throwing down the gauntlet. Her hands go to Cookie’s hair, and she wraps her fingers in the bitch’s locks, holding tightly. Then, to my surprise, she shoves the gash’s head forward. “Deep Copyright 2016 - 2024