Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,28

throat your VP,” Savannah snips out the order loud enough for everyone to hear. “Apparently, you aren’t getting him off.”

Cookie chokes on my cock at first then relaxes her throat. She takes me in much deeper, the sensation feeling so damn good that chills prick over my flesh and my toes curl in my boots. The sight before me is like no other. Savannah controls the pace and the depth, and fuck my life, the bitch is hotter than fuck when she thinks she’s in charge. Her chest heaves, panting as she watches the entire thing.

“Better,” I growl, leaning in to kiss her.

Her head pulls back as she keeps my stare, denying me her mouth.

“The fuck?”

“You won’t touch me while another chick has your dick in her mouth. I’ll let you come, and I’ll even watch, but you won’t touch me.”

Her little tantrum throws me over the edge, and my come jets into Cookie’s mouth with so much force it’d knock me down if I weren’t propped up against the bar. “Goddamn!” I roar as Cookie swallows me down, slurping away every last drop.

Cookie licks the head, cleaning me up before she’s finished. She wipes her face, climbing to her feet, looking pleased with herself. “H-how was it, Bash?

I growl in her direction, then bark, “You don’t even exist to me. I came for that bitch.” I tilt my head, gesturing to my angel and watch as Cookie’s eyes fill with tears. I’m a dick, but I don’t really give a fuck right now—or ever. I’d warned the club whores many times before to leave me the hell alone unless I tell them differently.

This eager bitch may’ve cost me the one thing I’ve wanted in a long ass time, Savannah Mae Lexington. If that’s the case, Cookie will be lucky to make it until morning without me slitting her throat and tossing her out back to rot.

Sly grabs for Cookie, yanking her away from me. The brother can see I’m fuming inside, and when that happens, Bash comes out to play. I won’t hit a woman, but you may get hurt being too damn close to me when I finally blow up and start punching shit.

Savannah steps into Cookie’s spot before me, her hands going to my jeans. She yanks them up roughly, jostling my body with her own angry, jerky movements. “Put your dick in your pants,” she snarls, and my chest reverberates in warning.

“Darlin’,” Chaos thunders, his tone cautioning that she needs to watch herself.

I put my cock away, pushing closer until my nose is lined up with hers. “Want seconds?” I offer heatedly, and her hands land on my chest, shoving me away. My back slams against the bar.

“Fuck. You.” Turning toward Jinx, she asks, “Will you please take me home?”

He bobs his head, heading for the door without a word.

“Don’t you go anywhere!” I bellow as she turns heel. The bitch rolls her eyes with a huff and heads for the door, ignoring me. Her hand reaches for the handle, and I roar, “Don’t you get on another man’s fucking bike! I’ll collect in blood!”

Her gaze scorches as she momentarily meets mine. “Fuck you, Bash,” she rebukes and is outside in the next blink.

I shout, spinning around to slam my fists down onto the bar. “Motherfucker!” I punch the hard top again. The pain spiraling through my arms instantly sobers me up. I blink, taking in my surroundings as the feeling of disappointment eclipses my heart. I think I just fucked up and pushed away the one thing I want most.

My stony stare lands on the prez. I’m lost.

He cocks an eyebrow. “You gonna fucking cry about it, or you gonna go fix it?”

I bite the inside of my cheek, grabbing for his Fireball again. I chug the nasty shit and swipe the bag of food off the bar. I storm off, calling behind me, “Be back. Gonna have dinner with my bitch.”

I hear a couple brothers laugh behind me, but ignore them.

“Don’t you fuckin’ hit Jinx!” Prez shouts in my wake.

I toss him the bird and make no promises. Jinx is a big motherfucker and my brother, but he should know better than to allow my bitch to get on the back of his bike. Savannah is mine. Sure, I’d told the brothers to back off her, but it just registered that she’s really mine. I won’t fuck this up and allow some other asshole to swoop in and play Captain Save a Ho.

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