Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,26

North a lot, so the couple of club whores who hang around here get a little envious and try to amp their performances when the time strikes. They assume we’re fucking the strippers twenty-four-seven rather than our easy club gash. I’m sure a few of us are dipping into the strippers’ cunts, but I know the prez isn’t, and neither am I. Cookie reaches for my belt buckle, yanking the metal and leather out of her way.

I stand still, watching her without making a move to offer any help. If she wants my cock bad enough, she’s gotta do the work to have it. The bitch is lucky I’m willing to let her suck me off since her used up pussy has been around the club for so long. At this point, her ass should move to cooking and cleaning the rooms, yet she’s set on having our cocks whenever we give them up. It’s all good as long as someone still fucks her because no one stays here for free without giving us something in return.

Reaching over, I swipe Chaos’s Fireball and take a hefty swig. The cinnamon-flavored liquor burns down my throat and into my chest. It’s potent enough to warm me from the inside out and make my cheeks flush. The shit is fucking nasty. I don’t know how the prez can drink it without a second thought. I’d rather sip vodka all night long and have a hefty fucking hangover the next day than drink Fireball. However, with Cookie below me and not Savannah, I need something to dull my senses a bit. I’ve only had one beer, not wanting to drink before I pick up my angel from work. At this rate, I’ll have to borrow a truck. There’s no way I’ll carry my woman around on my bike when I’ve had more than one drink.

Every brothers’ eyes are glued in our direction. No doubt in my mind it’s because I’ve pushed club whores off me in favor of Savannah. My prez is right, though. I’m strung tight and could use a release. It’s for the good of my club. I can’t be all twisted up in my thoughts when there’s business to take care of. I’m the VP. I don’t have much room for fucking off on important shit. It’s not like I’m committed to Savannah; we’re not in a relationship. Yet, I’ve been holding off from free pussy. Maybe that was my mistake, and I shouldn’t have held myself back.

Cookie flicks my jeans button free, and I take another swig of the liquor. Next, she lowers my zipper, and right then, the club door swings open. The door catches a gust of wind, flying all the way open to allow a burst of outside air in. The warmth hits me along with the bright light. It’s been windy all day today. Always is this time of year.

I flick my gaze over, not too concerned. It’s not like I can see much anyhow, being momentarily blinded by the blast of sunlight. Any asshole coming into the club who doesn’t belong will be taken out by our enforcer. North’s good about watching out for the clubhouse, as well as each of us.

Cookie’s hands reach for my boxer briefs, and her fingertips graze my abdomen. My muscles tighten in response as my body readies itself for her to touch me lower. I glance back up, right as a petite woman comes barreling toward me. I meet the heated gaze of none other than the object of my desire, my latest fixation. Her irises blaze as she takes me in, slamming a to-go bag next to me on the bar.

“Angel,” I breathe her nickname as my unspoken request has finally been answered. I’ve wanted to see her and kiss her all day. My hands jolt to Cookie’s fingers to stop her from going any further. My stare remains pinned on my woman as I say, “I wasn’t expecting you. I was going to come pick you up.”

Her head bobs, and she releases a disappointed sigh. She flicks her gaze between me, Cookie, and the others around us. “I got off early. Thought I’d get an Uber to surprise you and bring you some dinner.”

I glance at the white plastic bag beside me, then back to Savannah, realizing that it’s for me. I swallow, feeling like an even bigger dick for wanting my cock sucked when this bitch was trying to do something nice and thoughtful for me. Copyright 2016 - 2024