Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,19

by any means, but my heart wants to believe he would if I ever needed it, and that’d tether me to him even more. It’s probably going to end up being the very thing that gets me killed. The MC could possibly have ties to the man who murdered my father, for all I know. It’s not like I can come right out and ask them or anything, for fear of finding out they are the bad guys.

Atlanta isn’t far from here. I should’ve gone farther away, but I haven’t had the funds to make it anywhere else. The plan was to stop here long enough to work and get some more money. Once I saved up enough, I was going to leave and head up to Oregon. I figure I have a better chance of making it out of the country if I’m way up north near the border. What do I know, though? I’ve never been on the run or hiding out from anyone before.

Without me accidentally meeting Bash a few weeks ago, there’s no telling what sort of shape I’d be in right now. I’d be walking to and from work each day, leaving me out in the open for anyone to find me. It’s scary when you try to only rely on yourself. Not even my best friend could’ve dug me out of these problems. She makes enough money to support herself, not to give me a handout whenever things are tough.

I’ve always been somewhat intelligent, or so I thought, but this is turning out to be tougher than I’d anticipated. I got beyond lucky when Bash wrecked that he was okay and didn’t call the cops to report it. Now my luck seems to be running out because a broken car won’t get me where I need to go—work or otherwise. I could attempt to steal a vehicle, I suppose, but then the cops would hunt it down the moment it was reported and take me straight to jail. While I pride myself on being strong-willed and independent, I don’t think I’d fare well in prison.

Like it or not, Bash has become some sort of rock for me. I shouldn’t lean on him, and I don’t want to, but I can’t seem to help myself. With each passing day, I grow happier to see his handsome, smiling face. We talk, and I find myself opening to him a touch more with each encounter. It’s to the point that my favorite part of the day is seeing him when I should be concentrating on making it farther away from here. Instead, I’m spending time with Bash whenever I’m offered the chance and find myself returning his flirty looks and comments. I’m a scatterbrained mess. No matter how smart I may be, my heart will lead me however it sees fit.

I wish my father were here and still alive. I wouldn’t be dealing with any of this headache right now if the circumstances were different. It’s astonishing how quickly your life can change from one side of the spectrum to the complete opposite. It felt like a blink to me, and bam, everything was ruined. I can still hear the officers’ voices in my mind as they’d told me about my dad. It was all white noise to me…none of it making sense. My father was a thoughtful and generous man filled with love and always willing to lend a helping hand. There was no justifiable reason for him to die.

Perhaps that’s why I’m drawn to Bash more than anyone else I’ve come across here. Minus the flirty looks and such, he reminds me of my dad in a few crucial ways. There’s his willingness to help and not ask for anything in return. Then the small glimpses I’ve been privy to showing me that he has a fierce sense of loyalty to his brothers and his club. That has to count for something, and maybe in time, I’ll be able to open up to him about my past and the burden I’ve been carrying around on my shoulders. It’s a struggle to bear it alone, but I know I must be wary of entrusting people so quickly. My father trusted, and he ended up dead for it. If there’s one lesson to be learned from this horrifying experience, it has to be that.

“Angel?” Sebastian waves his hand in front of my face, bending down a bit to catch my gaze. I was staring off into space, Copyright 2016 - 2024