Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,18

but chicks gaze at Sly like he hung the moon, and that’s when he’s busy ignoring them.

“She’s mine, brother,” I rasp, and he flashes me a shit-eating grin. “Fucker.” I gripe, causing both of my brothers to chuckle. “All right, shitheads,” I huff out, tired of having my dick in a wad. “I’ll catch you later. I need to speak with Prez.”

They nod, letting me off the hook. It won’t be for long, though, as we always give each other shit.


I know my worth. I’ve paid dearly for every ounce of it. - Alfa

Sebastian had my car towed to his clubhouse, by a friend of his. All I know is they didn’t ask me for any money when I was silently hyperventilating about it and that he’s been trying to fix it. So far, he hasn’t had any luck, and it’s looking worse with each passing day. It’s been over a week, though I can’t complain. He’s offered to check it out for free, which is more than any shop will do, considering I can’t afford to pay anything right now. At this rate, I’m going to have to look for another job to help foot the bill. That’s hard because I need a place that’ll pay me under the table like the diner does. My boss was more than happy when I asked, as it’s less tax hassle for him. I wonder if he knows of another business I could apply for since I can’t pick up any more shifts at the diner. I’ll have to ask him the next time he’s there.

It’s been a little over two weeks since I met my new biker friend, and so far, he hasn’t let me shake him off. Surprising, considering I keep piling up my problems, it seems. He’s been rolling right along with them, and that has me pausing to seriously consider taking another step with him. I know he wants me; the flirty remarks and kind gestures when he’s around have clued me in. I’d have to be completely blind not to notice the way he stares at my breasts and behind when he thinks I’m distracted. Not like I have any room to talk. I’ve done my fair share of gawking at him as well. The man is insanely good-looking—in that bad boy outlaw sort of way.

To top it all off, Sebastian has been giving me a ride to work every day and picking me up in the evenings as well. That’s something I wasn’t expecting in the slightest and tried fighting him on after the second day. He’s done so much for me already, and I don’t like feeling as if I owe him past fixing my car. Besides, I’m already in debt to him where his old motorcycle is concerned. Every time I bring it up, he shakes it off like it’s not a big deal. I’m afraid that it’ll all add up and he’ll want something I can’t give him. I’ve caught glimpses of the little baggies and vials of white powder and pills he pulls out when he’s digging in his pockets for stuff. I’m not a fool. I know he deals, and that’s not something I could ever see myself doing, no matter how much I owe someone. I’m not judging him for it. It’s just not for me.

Not that I have any room to talk. I may not deal any drugs, but I have my own demons. I came to the outskirts of Atlanta for a reason, thinking I’d be easily overlooked. I work for cash under the table, so I don’t leave a trail, and I bought my car with cash. I don’t want people to know where I am after my father’s death. He was purposely bankrupted and murdered, and I was never able to find out why it all went down. I know I’m not safe, so I have to keep a low profile. While I’m growing more comfortable around Bash and would love to have the chance to maybe become more with him, I need to be careful. I didn’t move out here looking for my life partner. It was just the opposite. I came here for my personal safety and cash—nothing more.

I’m so torn when it comes to the MC. Those guys are dangerous, and I kind of feel safer when I’m around them. That’s stupid, I know, but I can’t help the way I feel, especially around my biker. I don’t expect him to protect me Copyright 2016 - 2024