Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,17

I also like you, Angel.” She blushes, her eyes hitting the ground. “I’m up here, Savannah,” I murmur, reaching in to tilt her face back up. I meet her gaze, noting the desire reflected in her gorgeous hazel irises. Fuck, I want her.

“I see you,” she whispers.

“Do you?” I murmur, and she nods again. I step back, flashing her a smile. I don’t want to push her too hard. “I mean it. Anything.”

“Are you going by the diner tomorrow?”

“Yes,” I immediately lie. I wasn’t, but I damn sure am now that she’s brought it up.

“If you wouldn’t mind, would you give me a ride too?”

“Of course. What time, and I’ll swing by to pick you up.”

“My shift is at two. I have to work the dinner shift again.”

“It’s a date.” I wink and head for my bike. I swing my leg on, starting the beast up. I let the engine idle as I watch her get inside safely. Once her door’s securely closed, I walk my bike to turn it around, then hit the road, headed to my club. This time I don’t even feel my ribs protesting. I’m too busy thinking of Savannah and that perfect mouth.

“Heard you had an extra rider with you tonight, brother.”

I shoot Jinx a look. “You and Sly been talkin’, I take it?”

He shrugs, not perturbed in the slightest with my brusque response. “He may’ve mentioned it when he brought me my sandwich.”

I snort and take a hefty gulp of my vodka tonic. “It was the angel, man. She was stranded again. That damn car’s a piece of shit.”

“You didn’t fix it for her? I’m beginning to think you’re not so much a mechanic.” His lips tilt with the easy razzing.

“Hm, I fixed it. The stupid thing is dying, though.”

“So why didn’t you bring the chick along tonight? She afraid of the club or something?”

“She was beat from working all day. She was damn near sleeping standing up. Trust me, brother, I tried. The bitch is so fucking sexy. I need to get her a burner or something in case she’s stranded again and needs me to swing by. Definitely don’t want one of the backwoods motherfuckers swooping in on her. She’d wind up hog-tied in an old house or something crazy.”

Jinx nods. The brothers know she’s alluring, just as much as I do. I told the fuckers after my little lunch date with her yesterday that they better not get any ideas either. Just ‘cause I had a little fun with her and flashed them doesn’t mean I’m down to share. She doesn’t seem that kinky anyhow, and it’d scare her off, no doubt. I don’t have to worry about Chaos, but I’m not sure if the other brothers are seeing anyone significant. They haven’t brought a chick around in a minute.

He changes topics. “You end up getting rid of the rest of your stash?” Jinx and I have that in common, the drugs. It works in our favor, cause if one of us is short or a supplier falls through, we have a backup plan. On the other side of the business, if we aren’t pushing a product quickly enough, we can always go to each other for help. It gives us a reason to be closer than the others, even though I’m usually around the prez the most.

“Yeah, some rich fucks out in Atlanta hit me up, you know, the usual. It’s time for me to call my guy for another shipment. How’s business been on your side? Did the number I give you pan out?”

“Fuck, yes, a big payday. I owe you a beer for that one.”

I lean in, bumping my fist to his. “Bet. I’m glad to hear it, brother.” Sly pulls the opposite seat out beside me, some nameless club gash sidling up to his arm. No matter where we go, the bitches are always trying to cling to him. “‘Sup man.”

“Where’s Savannah?” he inquires, making my jealousy overreact and flair. I know he won’t go for her since I told them all to kick rocks, but something about her makes me turn all overbearing alpha and shit. Not that she needs it. The woman has a spine that I admire. She’s not bitchy about it or anything, just not too meek to hold back if she has something she thinks is important to say. I can’t help but be a touch wary around the brother when it comes to women. I mean, I’m decent looking and all, Copyright 2016 - 2024