Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,16

bones, my desire for her is fucking fierce, and it only increases with every touch I receive from her.

“It’s a shame, babe. Would’ve liked seeing you chill with me.” I crank the engine, noting how she scoots as close as possible to my back. She must’ve learned to duck in and hold on from yesterday.

“Rain check?” she calls over my shoulder, and my mood lifts with her suggestion. Hell, I’ll throw another party myself, just to get her ass out with me.

“Of course. Anytime, and I mean that.” I pull from the curb, asking loudly, “Am I going in the right direction?”

“Yes. I live in those brown apartments down the road from your club.”

“No shit?”

“Yeah, why?”

“I live there too.”


I nod and holler, “Hold on.” I turn up the radio, allowing “Enter Sandman” by Metallica to blare loudly. We hit the dark, deserted stretch of road the club’s on, and I gun it, concentrating on the road ahead of us. What are the odds the woman of my most recent fantasies lives in the same apartment complex that I do? Granted, I’m not there much, and we must not live on the same side, because I know there’s no way in hell I ever could’ve missed her being a neighbor. The angel takes my breath away and makes my cock tingly in the best sort of way whenever she’s around.

With the wind raking through our hair, I enjoy the cool night air on our short ride. The best part is having her snuggled up to my back. I wish she would’ve been open to partying tonight, but at least I got her to offer me a rain check. Maybe it’s not her scene.

Hell, I need a drink something fierce with how bad I’ve been aching. I love a stiff vodka tonic and enjoy getting my dick wet at our parties. The crazy nights are part of what drew me into the MC, aside from Chaos, my prez. He’s become my best friend over the years, the brother I can rely on the most. I’ve been by his side for too long now to imagine changing my way of life. The club is everything to me, and I hope that’s not a deal-breaker for the spicy Southern belle on the back of my ride.

Turning into the apartments, Savannah points to the left, directing me to her place in the front of the building. It figures that I was right about her being on opposite sides. My spot is to the right, tucked around the complex. It offers me more privacy, which is what I prefer, being associated with the MC. You never know when a rival or disgruntled dickhead may see where you live and seek some retribution. It doesn’t bother me when I’m at the club, knowing my brothers are all around me to help watch my back. At home, though, I like to sleep at night, not worrying I’ll be gunned down at two a.m. for whoever I recently rubbed wrong.

“This is it,” she instructs, and I pull up to the curb.

Kicking my stand down, I climb off, then hold my palm out to her and grab my bike with my free hand. She takes the offering, allowing me to help her off. “Careful of the pipes, Sweet Pea. Just like yesterday,” I remind, and she offers me a sweet smile. The bitch is fucking beautiful. She doesn’t drop my hand as I allow her to lead me to her door.

“This one’s mine.” She thumbs in the direction of the blue door. It’s not navy, nor pastel, just a medium blue that’s been painted on all of our doors when the owners attempted to freshen them up and bring in more tenants.

My head bobs. “I’m in six-oh-five around the back. If you ever need anything, you hit me up, ‘kay, babe?”

“Thank you, Bash.”

“It’s Sebastian.”

“Excuse me?”

I stand a bit taller, my back straightening and chest-puffing as I confess, “My name…it’s Sebastian. You can keep callin’ me Bash or Seb or Sebastian…whatever you feel comfortable with.”

She rewards me with a wide smile. “Sebastian,” she repeats, tasting the word over before claiming, “I like it.”

My mouth kicks up. “Yeah? It’d be a little awkward if you felt differently, ‘cause I like your name too.”

She nods, and I can no longer hold myself back from leaning in to press a peck to her pointy little nose. Bitches pay for noses like hers, and I can tell that not one thing on her is fake.

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