Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,15

He must’ve been out collecting protection money for the MC. It’s one of his responsibilities. I’ve gone with him before on a few collections. It was a little too dull for me, so I stick to what I do best. I maintain our drug relationships and distribution. The Kings of Carnage has many lucrative business ventures; mine happens to lie in drugs.

“Me too. I’ll catch up with you at the clubhouse.” I chin-lift his way, and he returns the notion, pulling away from the curb.

I turn around, finding the gorgeous spitfire watching me curiously. “Hey, Sweet Pea, you straight?”

Her lips tilt up. She’s pleased to see me, even if she attempts to play it cool. I can read it all over that perfect, pouty mouth of hers. Those lips were made to do more than just talk, there’s not a doubt in my mind. “I’m never going to stop owing you if you keep helping me out. I’m always stranded around you, it appears.”

I wave her comment off. “This is what friends do, yeah? You helped me when I needed it, now I do the same for you.”

She releases a nervous breath, and I hold out a hand. She takes it, allowing me to help her to her feet. “Thanks, Bash, I really don’t know what I’d do without you and your friend.”


She nods, “Yeah, he was nice enough to let me use his phone when I asked, but then he took it right back. He wasn’t going to have me call for an Uber. He said you’d want to know and would be on your way. Are you guys always like this with people needing a hand?”

“He’s right. I did want to come get you and consider yourself an exception to our usual attitude toward civilians.” I tug her closer, noticing the goosebumps peppering the creamy skin on her arm. “You cold?”

She shrugs. “I’ll live. It could be worse; I could be stuck out here alone and cold.”

I grunt, heading over to my saddlebag. I put a hoodie in there last night after I finished signing the paperwork for my new motorcycle. It was chilly last night, too, so I’m glad I left it in here. After having Savannah on the bike, it was a done deal. I had to have it, as it would always remind me of her first ride and her dress flying high to flash my brothers. I fold up the shirt in my hands until I have the head opening between my grip and pop it over Savannah’s silky hair.

“You didn’t have to do that,” she argues, blowing the locks out of her face and making me chuckle.

“I want to. Now put it on the rest of the way, Sweet Pea.” She does as she’s told, and fuck me if she doesn’t look hella sexy all wrapped up in my big shirt. It falls mid-thigh on her, and the KOCMC emblem across the front makes her look every bit mine. She pulls the collar up to her nose, taking a deep inhale. “Probably smells like exhaust, sorry about that.”

She shakes her head. “It does a little, but I still smell you in it. Plus, it’s warm, so that trumps exhaust scent any day.”

I chuckle and lean in a touch closer. “You know how I smell, hm?”

She nods, biting down on her perfectly plump bottom lip. “I held on to you yesterday, remember? I had no choice but to sniff you being that close.”

“Mm. I couldn’t forget it if I tried beautiful. How about you hop on and hold onto me some more?”

“I’d like that,” she agrees with a soft smile, and I turn away, leading her to my bike.

I swing my leg over, getting comfortable. “We’re having a party tonight at the club. How about you come with me and cut loose?” I suggest, holding her hand as she climbs on my bike, placing her feet on the back pegs.

She yawns. “I’m sure you guys are a lot of fun, but I’m so tired. I had to work all day, and I really want to go to bed.” Her hands land on my sides, sliding against my shirt until they reach my abs. I cringe to myself with the soreness but suck it up. It’s what I’ve been doing since she showed up yesterday, pretending my ribs aren’t bothering me anymore. I walk the bike forward, and the move has me clenching my stomach and gritting my teeth. Aside from soreness still in my Copyright 2016 - 2024