Bad to Be Worthy (Bad to Be Good #2) - Andrew Grey Page 0,37

to get a better look, but he didn’t see anyone out and about. He hoped to hell that Gerome wasn’t lying hurt somewhere or, worse, floating in the marina. He needed to find out what was going on, so he left the truck and walked back down the dock, passing Ramone’s boat. When he didn’t see anything, he continued to the end of the dock and then, without knowing what else to do, returned to the truck. He had just gotten inside when the phone vibrated.

I’m okay. I’ll be there in a few minutes. There were no other messages.

Chapter 7

“GOD, WHAT a mess,” Gerome said under his breath. The thought of touching the stuff in here made him want to wash his hands until they were raw before he came in contact with any of the guys. He should have brought some fucking gloves… or maybe a whole box. Pushing that aside, he started at one end and searched methodically, working his way from the back to the front.

He lifted the top of one of the banquette seats for the dining table and groaned at the brick wrapped in plastic shrink wrap as well as a few “sample” bags. He grabbed one and slipped it into his pocket. Gerome was just disposing of the brick when his phone beeped with a message. He lowered the lid and put the cushion back into place. Gerome had a few seconds to get off the boat in time and turned to the stairs to get out.

A small group of papers caught his attention, and he reached for them and read the first few lines. He felt himself pale and his feet refused to move. Gerome took a deep breath as he stared into his worst nightmare.

Time was running out. He folded the papers and shoved them in his pocket.

Gerome was grateful for Tucker’s message but realized he was now a sitting duck. He looked around and knew he had to think fast. If he were found on the boat, that would be the end. God knows what would happen.

He thought of diving off the side and swimming for it, but that would make too much noise, and Ramone was getting closer by the second. Out of options, he grabbed a plastic bag from the table, shoved his phone into it, jammed the bag into his pocket with the papers, and climbed over the front of the boat, lowering himself into the water, hanging on to one of the bumpers on the side away from the dock. Gerome closed his eyes and steadied his breathing as he waited.

He didn’t have long to wait. Heavy footsteps on the deck above warned him of Bobby’s presence. God, he hoped to hell he wasn’t going to be staying long and that he didn’t look out one of the portholes on that side. Though Gerome did his best to stay out of view.

His clothes grew heavier and his arms ached, but he continued holding on as Ramone rummaged around inside the boat. Gerome needed to keep a cool head and think. It might be possible to drop completely into the water and quietly swim away, but then he would need to get the hell out, and with his luck the way it was running, he’d climb out right in front of Bobby Ramone.

His arms felt like they were on fire, and he wished he could get a perch on something with his feet, but flailing around would only draw attention, so he needed to just stay where he was and hope.

A phone rang inside.

“Yeah. I’m coming.”

Gerome rested his head on the fiberglass of the boat, willing the bastard to hurry up. Footsteps sounded once again, and Gerome waited, hoping to hell that Bobby Ramone didn’t decide to walk to this side of the boat. All he would need to do was look down and Gerome would be in deep shit.

Chapter 8

WHEN GEROME came down the dock, his lower half was wet and he was dripping everywhere. Tucker opened the door and Gerome climbed right inside, squelching a little as he sat down.

“What happened?”

“I had just enough time to hang out of sight off the front of the boat while he got what he needed. The problem was that it wasn’t as easy to get back in. I managed eventually.” He started the engine and they hurried back toward the apartment.

“Did you find what you were looking for?” Tucker asked.

“Some of it, yeah.” He seemed a little confused. “I’m Copyright 2016 - 2024