Bad to Be Worthy (Bad to Be Good #2) - Andrew Grey Page 0,38

going to take a shower and call the guys. I need their help figuring all this out. Go ahead and get yourself some dinner, and I’ll call you a little later.” Gerome pulled into his parking spot. “Thank you for your help. You were awesome.” He turned off the engine and got out.

Tucker followed. “Do you really think that you get to make me worry myself raw for half an hour after I kept watch for you, did the whole lookout thing, and then when we get back here, you say thanks and go inside?” He tapped his foot. “You go get a shower and warmed up, and I’ll be over in fifteen minutes. I want to know what happened and what’s going on. It was my stupidity that got us mixed up in this mess, but I want to help get out of it.”

Gerome glared at him, his expression stony, and Tucker half expected him to shut him out, but eventually Gerome sighed and nodded. “Fine. Be here in ten minutes. I’ll have the guys order pizza and stuff, and once we’re done talking, we’ll ask Cheryl and Joshie to come over and eat.” He stomped inside the apartment, closing the door harder than was necessary.

“What’s going on?” Cheryl asked when Tucker joined her and Joshie in the apartment.

“Why is Mr. Gerome mad? He slammed the door,” Joshie asked as he stared up at Tucker. “If you were bad, you should say sorry.”

“It’s okay. He’s the one who was naughty,” Tucker said, sharing a wink with Joshie. “And to make up for it, he and his friends are going to order pizza, and they invited all of us.”

“Is that what you were fighting about?” Cheryl asked, confused.

Tucker shook his head. “He went onto Ramone’s boat, and I think he might have found something that disturbed him. I don’t know what it is. He wants to talk about it with the guys, but apparently they’re going to get pizza. So you and Joshie should come over at six thirty. I’m going over to find out what’s going on.”

“Okay. We’ll be over. Do you know if Coby will be there? Joshie has been asking to play with him for days.” She yawned and sat down once again.

“I’ll ask. Just sit and rest until you’re ready to come over.” Tucker checked the time, went across the hall, and knocked on Gerome’s door.

“Go on in,” Richard said as he approached with an armload of beer. “In fact, open the door for me. Terrance is on his way, and Daniel will be around soon enough with Coby, and the boys can play.” Tucker opened the door, and Richard followed him inside. “Gerome, I’m here with Tucker, so get your ass out here,” Richard called. “That is, if you want any of the beer. If Terrance gets to it first, there won’t be much left.” He laughed, popped two open, and handed one to Tucker.

“You’re a regular fucking comedian,” Gerome said as he came in barefoot in pants and a T-shirt that showed off his chest and arms. Tucker handed him the beer and opened another one. Gerome sat on the sofa and tugged Tucker down next to him.

“What did you find?” Tucker asked, his patience wearing thin. “Was it more of the bundles he wanted me to find?”

“No. There was nothing like that on board. The boat was a disorganized mess. Whoever lives there is a total slob.” He stood and laid some soggy papers on the counter. “They got a little wet.”

“Are drug runners keeping records and doing paperwork?” Richard asked as he got up to look. He and Gerome shared a silence, both of them growing pale. The communication between them was clear, but only to the two of them. Tucker knew something was going on. “I see.” He leaned closer.

“I also found this,” Gerome said and handed Richard a plastic bag. “There was a lot more, but it all ended up in the water.” He grinned.

“Are those drugs?” Tucker asked. “Should we taste them like they do on TV?”

Gerome chuckled. “That’s something that only exists on TV. You can’t tell by taste, and what if it’s a type of poison?” He shrugged. “No one will be tasting it, and yes, I do believe this is cocaine. And before the night is over, we will be getting rid of it.” He set down the small plastic bag.

“How much did you dispose of?” Richard said as Terrance came inside. Gerome got Terrance a Copyright 2016 - 2024