Bad to Be Worthy (Bad to Be Good #2) - Andrew Grey Page 0,36

and he rested his head on Gerome’s shoulder, standing still and enjoying the moment.

“We really should go,” Gerome whispered, but neither of them moved. Gerome must have been as comfortable as he was. It was nice just being held for a while. Tenderness hadn’t been part of his life in quite some time. “I should get dressed so we can find out what’s going on.”

Tucker sighed. “You know, I’m really starting to hate this guy. He seems to show up at the most inopportune times.” He pulled away and waited while Gerome finished dressing… which was a pity. Gerome could cause quite a distraction if he simply walked up and down the dock.

“I’m ready,” Gerome said, and they made the quick drive to the marina. Tucker put on the hat and sunglasses and pulled out the tackle box.

“Take this,” Gerome told him. “I borrowed it from Terrance. It’s his old phone, and he didn’t stop service on it.” He unlocked it and showed Tucker the code. “All you need to do is text me if you see anyone coming toward the boat or if Ramone makes an appearance. Then grab your stuff and head back to the car. Don’t draw attention to yourself by running; just bury your attention in the phone and no one is going to pay any attention to you. People on their phones are annoying as all hell to the rest of the world, so most of the time you’ll get ignored and they’ll be glad you’re gone.”

“What if he recognizes me?” Tucker asked.

“Push him into the water and take off. He isn’t going to be expecting any sort of attack, so make one and then run.” That was easy advice for Gerome to give—he was strong. Tucker wasn’t built that way. Gerome got out of the truck. “Use your weight to unbalance him. He’ll fall before he can recover.”

“Okay. I’ll try.” Tucker closed the door and took the gear, following Gerome out onto the dock. He went as far as the intersection three boats down from the one Gerome pointed out. He set down the box, leaned against the piling, and pulled out the phone. Like Gerome said, he pretended to be looking something up and glanced around to make sure no one was coming.

He saw no one, but his heart pounded hard enough he could almost hear it. Gerome was nowhere to be seen. Tucker continued with the charade.

A group of ladies approached down the dock. “Can we help you?” one of them asked. Tucker had hoped they would just pass by. “This is a private dock.”

“I’m sorry,” Tucker said softly. “A friend said that he was going to meet me here so we could go out, but he isn’t answering his phone or texts. He may be in the car and can’t answer.” He did his best to look confused and hoped he didn’t come across like he needed to pee or something. “I’ll give him a few more minutes and then give up, I guess.”

The women nodded and continued down the way.

Tucker sent Gerome a text that they were approaching. The women boarded a sleek, fancy boat just across the dock from where Gerome was. Tucker relayed the information so Gerome would know he had company close by and could be careful getting away.

He took a deep breath, trying not to prance or pace as he did when he was nervous. He didn’t want anything to happen to Gerome, so he kept watching, hoping Gerome would just return and they could get out of there.

“I’ll only be a minute,” a rough voice said. Tucker glanced in that direction. Bobby Ramone came down the ramp approaching the dock. Tucker sent a message, shoved the phone into his pocket, and picked up the tackle box. He headed the opposite way from Ramone’s boat.

“Hey,” he called, and Tucker froze. “Do you have the time?”

Tucker checked the phone. “Ten till five,” he answered. Then he continued on, checking various boats. As soon as the coast was clear, he went back down the dock and out to the car, climbed inside, and locked the doors, keeping low to watch for Gerome.

He didn’t return.

Tucker waited and waited. Bobby Ramone came back down the dock and got into the truck parked right next to him. Tucker curled up on the floor out of sight until the truck pulled away. He sent another message and waited for a reply but didn’t receive one.

Tucker got out of the truck to try Copyright 2016 - 2024