The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,26

such a hurry? And naked, too?” Adrian, still sounding groggy, asked as he wrapped an arm around my waist and smirked sleepily down at me.

“I-” I stuttered, as I heard Amy’s gasp come from my phone. “YOU’RE WITH SEXY-” I hung up the phone before she could continue and blushed.

“I have to go home,” I muttered, remembering that I was in nothing but a towel.

“You don’t have keys to get into your home,” he pointed out, his smirk growing wider as he ran his hand through my damp hair.

“Yes, I’m aware of that,” I said, trying to keep focus while his distracting fingers played with my hair. “But my f- friend has a spare key th-that I can take.”

“At least have brunch with me. Then you can go. I even asked the driver last night to double check the car in case your keys are in there.” His hand dropped to my cheek, and he pulled my face towards his, making me blush again.

“I- I don’t think I should stay any longer. Thank you for your hospitality.”

I tried to sound as formal as possible, before dashing into the room where my bra was and locking the door securely behind me. Even from behind it I could hear Adrian chuckling, cut only by the sound of another door closing shut.

I dried myself off and put on the dress again before re-dialling Amy’s number. The moment she picked up, I said, “Before you burst out with quest-”


I opened my mouth to reply to her questions but she cut me off again. “You stayed overnight. Oh my god. You had sex with him, didn’t you? Oh my god he sounded so hot with his deep, gruff British morning voice and sexiness. Was he shirtless? How did it happen? How long did it last? Was he good? Great? Excellent? Indescribable? In a positive or negative manner? Oh my god, I can’t believe you shagged the hottest walking male specimen that currently inhabits this ear-”

“AMY!” I said loudly, cutting off her rant. “I did not have sex with him!” I exclaimed as she caught her breath.

“Don’t be silly. Why else would Adrian Kingston, let a girl stay overnight?” Amy asked.

“When we got back from the event last night, I found out that I had lost my house keys on my freaking door step. So I called Adrian and asked him to search the car to see if they were there, and he said no and that I was staying at his place for the night even though I told him that I could just stay at a motel or something until I went to yours in the morning. He was supposed to meet his Adrianna, his date, to the dinner last night. I don’t know why he stayed with me instead.” I frowned curiously as I remembered Adrian’s comment in the car.

Amy gasped. “This is a sign! You have to have sex with him!”

“No, Amy! No. This is not a sign. This is what people call bad luck. That’s not even the worst part. Ames, he had…” I trailed off shuddering, before speaking again in a hushed tone. “He had… a boner,” I whispered. I could feel my eyes widening.

Amy was silent for a few seconds before she burst into a fit of howling laughter, and I took the phone away from my ear to give her contact icon a flat look before placing it back to my ear.

“Are you done?” I asked. I was all alone but I was blushing.

“Oh my god. You have honestly made my Sunday. What did you do?” Amy asked, and I heard a chair screech against her tiles.

“Well… I don’t actually know.” I sighed. “Can we talk about this face to face? After the devil releases me from hell, I’ll come over and I’ll recount everything – yes, even the way he breathed.” I answered her unspoken question, and rolled my eyes as she giggled.

“You know me too well. Okay, fine. But if I find out that you left anything out,” she threatened, “I will choke you!”

I laughed before shutting the phone and putting it back into my bag, then sighed and left the room.

“Adrian?” I called out, my voice echoing in the long, empty hallway.

“He’s in his room, honey!” the maid’s voice Copyright 2016 - 2024