The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,27

responded from the kitchen.

“Oh. Thank you!” I smiled in gratitude and saw her wave a spatula in the air as a response.

I made my way to Adrian’s room and knocked slightly before opening the door.

“Adrian?” I called out, opening the door a little wider, but not wide enough to see inside the room.

“You can come in, shortcake,” I heard him chuckle from the other side of the door. “I won’t bite.”

“Oh, um, okay,” I mumbled as I pushed the door open and stepped into the room. Adrian walked out of his ensuite with a white towel wrapped around his waist, making his tan skin look even darker as he wiped his hair with another towel. Once he noticed me gawking, he smirked. “’Thought I’d return the favour, shortcake. Is there anything in particular that you wanted?”

I cleared my throat and looked down at the floor. My thoughts became jumbled from the shirtless male model in front of me and frowned and bit my lip to pull myself together. “I’m afraid I have to pass up the opportunity of brunch with you. I have other matters to attend to. If you do find my keys, please give me call. I’ll come by and pick them up. Thank you… for letting me stay last night.” The last bit I added with a small smile, before turning to leave the room.

“Emily,” Adrian called out.

I barely made it two steps away from his room before an arm snaked around my waist and wedged me between the wall and a shirtless body. My eyes widened and my cheeks flushed as I realised he was still in nothing but his towel.

“You’re staying to eat,” he stated, a slight frown appearing on his face.

“No, I’m not,” I insisted, my expression mirroring his.

“Yes, you are. You have to.”

“No, I don’t ‘have to.’”

“Emily,” Adrian said with a clenched jaw. “I’m your boss, you have to listen to me.”

I laughed sarcastically. “Don’t you dare use that tactic in this situation. You’re my boss? When was the last time bosses made their assistants sleep in the same bed as them when there were other rooms available? Or when was the last time bosses blackmailed their assistants into having lunch with them? Or feeling them up? From where I’m standing right now, you should listen to me. Stop being a hypocrite, for starters. Like I’ve told you numerous times before this, stop thinking that everyone you meet will eat off the palm of your hand because you’re ‘Adrian Kingston’ and lastly, stop thinking that you’re going to get me to sleep with you. It will never happen. Oh, and if it ever does? I give you full permission to make me your bitch – something I don’t allow anyone to do. Have a nice brunch, Mr. Kingston. I’ll see you at work tomorrow morning.” I smiled briefly, before putting my heels on and walking out of the penthouse in anger.

The sound of glass shattering into pieces caught my attention as the elevator door dinged open, and I looked back at the entrance of the penthouse suite in horror just as the maid came rushing out.

“Miss,” she said anxiously, “Please come back inside. M- maybe you can calm him back down?” I saw the fear in her eyes.

“He’s never done this before?” I asked in shock as I heard another thing break in the house.

“No Miss,” she answered, “and I have worked for Adrian since he was born. The last time he threw a tantrum was when his father had told him that he was in charge of the company; but even then it wasn’t this bad. I never believed he’d get angry over a girl standing up to him.” She looked over at the door of the penthouse.

I frowned and bit my lip before nodding. “It’s okay, I’ll take care of this. You can go home if you like.” I gave her a reassuring smile and a squeeze on the shoulder before re-opening the door that I was so eager to leave just 5 minutes ago.

“Adrian,” I murmured softly as I placed my bag on the table near the entrance.

“What the fuck do you-” he abruptly stopped once he noticed me standing at the doorway. I had reassured the maid but seeing him this mad, I couldn’t help but flinch from the harshness of his words.

“How about I make us some brunch, huh?” I asked as I plastered a fake smile on my face and cautiously walked over to him, not knowing Copyright 2016 - 2024