The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,25

crawled back to the edge of the bed, making sure I wouldn’t fall off again. Adrian’s eyes fluttered back open as his gaze met mine and he smirked. “Like I said; I’m in bed with an incredibly beautiful and almost naked woman, you don’t honestly expect me to be normal, do you? Come on, let’s get some sleep.” He ushered me over to him, and I looked down at the bulge in his pants with uncertainty before cautiously going back to my original sleeping position.

“If you try anything, I will kick your ass,” I warned, sinking into the softness of the pillows.

He chuckled and moved closer to me. “I won’t. Goodnight, Emily,” he murmured into my hair.

I mumbled a response before I let darkness fill my vision, and I fell asleep with the thought that I had unintentionally broken Rule #2.

This was going great.


It was way too bright.

I was sure there was no way I could open my eyes without going partially blind in the room I was in. I found myself stretching on the soft mattress I was sleeping on and sighed in relief when a few of my limbs cracked. My eyes flew open as a soft snore sounded from beside me and my outstretched arm made contact with a solid part of the bed. I looked over to my right to find Adrian fast asleep, not even centimetres away from me, snoring softly as his legs and arms entangled with my body and pulled me closer towards him.

My body stiffened at the contact, and I looked over at his face to find a slight smile forming on his plump lips, making me frown in curiosity.

“Adrian,” I whispered, “If you’re awake, this isn’t funny.”

Neither Adrian’s expression nor his body shifted after I had said those words, proving that he was still sound asleep. I put my head back onto the pillow and looked up at the ceiling. I was trapped. My eyes wandered around the room until they landed on a cleaning lady, and my body instantly stiffened once again. She was bopping her head to herself as she quietly closed the ensuite door behind her while balancing a bucket of chemicals and sponges in the other hand.

I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping she wouldn’t notice me, until I heard the door of the room close softly. This was getting ridiculous. I don’t care if Adrian wakes up; he’s the one who wanted us to sleep in the same bed in the first place.

I turned my head to look at the time and my eyes widened once they read 2PM. This was the longest I had stayed in bed for since the one time I went to a college party and got wasted. I slowly untangled myself from Adrian’s body and ran into the ensuite to grab my clothing and shoes and left Adrian’s room in a quiet hurry.

I ran to the door that I discovered was the bathroom and came to an abrupt halt once I saw the cleaner in there. She dropped her sponge from her surprise and I quickly rushed forward to pick it up for her.

“I’m so sorry,” I told her frantically, “I didn’t think anyone would be in here.”

“It’s quite alright. Are you okay, honey? You look a bit frazzled…” She trailed off, giving me a look of concern.

“No, no. I’m fine. I’m so sorry, again.” I smiled nervously, and instantly began making my way out.

“Excuse me, miss!” the cleaner whispered just as I placed my hand on the handle of the door. I turned around to find her putting her things in the corner of the bathroom. “I can continue this later,” she said. “You look like you’re in a bit of a rush. How’s about I whip up a quick breakfast for you while you shower? Mr. Kingston does not usually wake up for another 2 hours.”

“I’ll decline the breakfast,” I answered. “Thanks for the offer, though. Sorry to inconvenience you. I won’t be long.” I shut the door behind her after she nodded and smiled.

After a quick shower, I wrapped my body with a fluffy navy towel that was hanging near the shower. It was then that I muttered a curse, suddenly realizing something important.

“Shoot. I forgot my bra in the other room.”

I shook my head and took out my phone to dial Amy’s phone number.

My body collided into a warm, solid wall just as I heard Amy’s faint ‘hello’ sound from the speaker.

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