The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,174

smiled and nodded before walking away with her, and I looked over at Adrian with the same smile on my lips.

Adrian held up a phone in my face. “I googled its meaning. It’s beautiful and harmony.”

“Mr. Kingston, there are no cell phones in the labour room!” Dr. Geller scolded, frowning at him.

Adrian scoffed. “As if I’m going to listen to that stupid rule.”

Another sharp pain shot through my stomach. “Here we go again,” I groaned, wincing in pain as another contraction made way.


“Where is she?”

“I’m not letting her anywhere near you, mate,” Adrian scowled, glaring down at Allen. “You’ll corrupt her before she’s even able to open her eyes.”

“Okay, well what about me?! I’m not Allen!” Amy pointed out, a begging form starting to overcome her entire body.

“No, you’re too loud. You’ll wake her up.” Adrian grunted. “Can you all go home? I want to be alone with my family.” He glared at both our parents, my brother and our friends for a while, trying to emphasize his point.

“We are your family, you little bitch,” Mason argued, glaring back at his son.

“You’re my family, but you’re not my family,” Adrian replied, as if the argument he was trying to get across was clear as day.

I sighed. “Adrian, they want to see their new grandchild/niece and yes I am including you both as brother and sister,” I clarified, looking at Allen and Amy.

“Well about time!” Amy spoke up, sarcasm thick in her tone.

“They can see her another day.” Adrian whined, turning around and pouting at me.

“You said that to them yesterday!” I argued.

“Mama,” Little Mason spoke up, climbing up and sitting beside me in the hospital bed.

“Yes my lovely?” I replied, smiling down at the mini Adrian I was blessed with. Mason began to poke my chest area, making me wince in pain from their tenderness.

“Mason, no. Mummy is still hurting there. Unfortunately.” He grumbled.

“I gave birth yesterday! How much more sex driven can you be?” I exclaimed.

“Way more if you keep looking the way you do. Get ugly.”

“Then you’ll get a divorce.”

“Then I’m sure someone with your ugliness, say… Dave Franco… Will be more than happy to wed you.” Adrian smirked smugly, proud with his response.

I gave him a flat look, before looking at the remaining male figures in the room. “Get him out of my face.”

“Hey!” Adrian called out, rooting himself in his exact position. “I’m not leaving this hospital room without Alana in my arms.”

“Come on buddy, post-pregnant woman’s orders,” Blake spoke up, smiling smugly at Adrian.

“Why are you listening to her?!”

“Because she just gave birth?” Allen suggested, rolling his eyes.

“Yeah, get out bitch. You’re being mean to Emily and her boobs.” Mason frowned, before sending a wink over in my direction.

A soft sound suddenly turned the entire room silent, and small, innocent sounding cries instantly filled the silence in the room. Everyone’s facial expressions – including Adrian’s pissed off one – instantly softened at the sound of Alana’s cries, and Adrian immediately walked over to her small bed and held her in his arms while walking over towards me.

He sat beside Mason and myself and placed a kiss on Alana’s forehead before looking up and smiling at me. “I hope she grows up to be just like you.” He grinned.

“I hope he doesn’t grow up to be just like you. Broccoli stealer,” I joked, returning his joyous grin.

Alana instantly fell back into a deep slumber in Adrian’s arms, and he gently placed her back into her small bed beside me before moving Mason and seating him on his lap as he bent down and placed a deep kiss on my lips.

Once he pulled away, he waggled his eyebrows. “Let’s start working on that set of twins, shall we?” He smirked.

My face began to heat up as my eyes trailed over to our family, who were scattered all over the hospital room, before I shook my head. “Can you keep that kind of stuff to yourself in public?” I whispered, heating up even more.

“Keep your pants on while we’re in the room, okay? Just as a personal favour to me for always being there for you.” Allen cringed.

“I second that notion,” Blake spoke up, growing pale at the thought of it.

“I suggest you get out of the room then,” Adrian said in a dead pan voice, giving them a flat expression.

“Mason sweetie! It’s time to go!” Katherine said in a rushed tone, elegantly walking towards us and snatching the child out of Adrian’s lap.

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