The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,175

happen!” I squeaked, my eyes growing wide as I noticed everyone making their way towards the door.

“Yeah… it is. You and I both know it. He’s usually your bitch, but when it comes to sex? You’re his. Sorry Emily, but have fun!” Mason grinned, before exiting the room.

“Hey, you guys! It’s not – stop leaving!” I called out pathetically, just as the door slammed shut behind Amy, who I heard laugh before disappearing completely.

“We may as well prove them right…” Adrian trailed off, placing a trail of kisses on my jawline.

I pushed his face away before glaring. “Get off.”

“Oh I will.” He smirked, before chuckling at my horrified facial expression.

“You’ll never stop, will you?” I groaned, shaking my head with a smile on my face.

“Nope. It’s okay, you love me, and so you’ll never get sick of it.” Adrian nodded, confirming his own thoughts to himself.

“She’s so beautiful, isn’t she?” I murmured, looking over at a sleeping Alana with the same smile on my face.

“Yeah she is; just like her mothe – oh wait, I’m the hotter one out of the both of us.”

I rolled my eyes. “Nine out of ten times I like you. It’s times like these where you’re just a total idiot.”

“Whatever Trevor. Hey! We can name our next child Trevor.”

“Great idea, genius,” I muttered sarcastically. “No more kids.”

“Oh, come on Shortcake! Look at her,” He grabbed my cheeks in between his hand and forced my face to look towards Alana. “You don’t want any more of her? Or What about Mason? No more of him?”

“I… Ugh, I hate it when you’re right,” I mumbled, crossing my arms over my chest.

Adrian smirked, before his fact transformed into a look of realisation. “I have something for you.”

“Is it that dagger that kills you? New Blu-Ray disks of Dave Franco?” I asked eagerly, trying to hide the amusement as Adrian’s glare instantly switched onto his face.

“No.” He scowled, before turning around and producing a clear container that contained green vegetables.

“Broccoli!” I squealed, grinning up at him. “You’re the best husband ever.” I sighed, pulling him in for another, deeper kiss.

“I know I am. That shit fucking stinks by the way, and took forever to cook.”

“Oh… you… you cooked it?” I asked, no longer feeling like the vegetables.

He chuckled. “No. I just wanted to see your reaction to that. Maria made them.”

I pushed him slightly, laughing. “Asshole.”


Three Years Later…

“I don’t think that’s a safe place to put the vase Adrian, you know how Alana and Theo are with new things.” I pointed out before rubbing my back in pain from the full stomach in front of me.

Adrian frowned. “They won’t touch it.”

“Yes, they will. Don’t you remember what they did to that hideous – I mean beautiful looking elephant ornament that I was absolutely shattered about when they broke it?” I asked, correcting myself quickly and grinning just as Adrian’s frown transformed into a look of surprise.

“I thought you liked Martin!” he exclaimed, confusing me.

“What? Who is Martin and how did he come into the conversation? Hey, Theo! Don’t eat daddy’s tie!” I scolded, frowning down at the little boy who instantly dropped the green silk material and laughed.

“Martin is the elephant! I told you his name when we were watching SpongeBob with the kids on the day I bought him.”

A mental image of my 3 children sitting on top of Adrian and I and laughing at the animated character came into my mind, but I dismissed it because I wasn’t able to recall the conversation. “Oh, right. Well, Martin will be missed; and so will this if you leave it within their reach,” I pointed out, hoping he’d break from his stubbornness.

Adrian’s lips pursed as a frown reappeared on his forehead before he nodded. “You’re right. We’ll just throw it out.”

“What?! That cost you $2000!” I exclaimed.

“So? I’ve got enough money to last us and our great children. We’ll just buy another one when they’re all grown up.” Adrian shrugged, already beginning to walk to the back door of the house with the vase in his grasp.

“No! Why don’t we put it in your office? It’ll look nice with your… um, wooden chairs?” I tried, hoping to convince him.

“No. Is the food done yet? They’ll be here any second and we have to leave straight away.”

“Please don’t throw out the vase,” I whispered, feeling tears well up and blur my vision.

“I’m throwing it out Shortcake, nothing you say will change my mi- Emily? Are you crying?” Adrian asked, dropping Copyright 2016 - 2024