The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,173

it and now I really feel like broccoli because-”

“EMILY! Calm down! I’m sorry for that too. I’m sorry for everything I’ve ever done to you up until this moment now please stop crying in my arms you’re making this even harder than it is because you’re so fucking fat. Well you aren’t, but that child inside you is. Or maybe it is you. I don’t know.” Adrian shrugged just as we got to the white BMW that was recently purchased by Adrian specifically for ‘pregnancy emergencies’.

“Just get me to the damned hospital.” I scowled, slapping his arm as he put me in the car gently.

“Yes boss.” He smirked, before sneaking a quick peck on my lips.


“Come on Mrs. Kingston, just a couple of more pushes!”

“Are you kidding me? JUST PULL THE STUPID THING OUT!” I roared, glaring down at my doctor.

“Shortcake, there is no way I’d let anyone treat something I made like that. Push it out and I’ll change its nappy for the entire month,” Adrian offered, forcing me to turn to the side and face him.

He was smirking down at me, and I clenched my jaw angrily before turning back to the doctor. “Do you see what I live with,” I stated.

“I… I don’t mean to ask at such an inappropriate time but… what is a nappy?” the nurse beside me asked, making me turn to the opposite side of Adrian in the process.

“It’s his dumbass British way of saying diapers,” I grumbled, before screeching out in pain again.

“They’re almost out, Emily! Just one more push!”

“Come on Shortcake, you’ve done this with Mason, you can do this again. Just be angry! Think of the broccoli. Or the time I broke every Blu-Ray disk that contained the actor that shall not be named because you claimed to love him more than me.” Adrian’s face grew dark at that.

“You mean… Dave Franco?” I drawled out, before bursting out into a fit of continuous laughter as both Adrian’s fists and jaw began to clench.

A high-pitched cry suddenly came from the other end of my bed, cutting my laughter short and forcing both Adrian and me to look at the baby that was moving around in Dr. Geller’s arms. She smiled down at it, before looking up at the both of us. “It’s a girl.”

And suddenly, any pain that I was experiencing temporarily faded from my body as Dr. Geller wrapped my newly born baby girl in a blanket and handed her over to me.

Adrian, who was still silent beside me, crouched down to our level just as the same expression of adoration and wonder settled into his features. He didn’t seem to mind the fact that I was all sticky from sweat, and that our baby was still slick with the contents of my uterus.

He just stared at her for a few moments longer, before turning to face me with the same amazed look. “You did it.” He smiled slightly, before placing a light kiss on my sweaty forehead.

“We did it,” I whispered, before looking down at my baby girl again.

“Okay, I understand how fun it was for you when we did it, but I was talking about the birthing part,” Adrian pointed out, his trademark smirk appearing onto his face.

“Adrian!” I exclaimed quietly, just as the baby stirred in my arms.

“You do realise you gave birth to her by laughing, right?” my doctor pointed out, a slightly amused smile on her face.

My face began to burn up as I tried laughing. “Really?”

She nodded. “Thanks to your husband.”

“What’s new.” Adrian shrugged, before dusting off imaginary dust from his shoulder.

I rolled my eyes, before my attention was solely focused on my child again. “We have to name her,” I murmured softly, smiling down at her sleeping figure.

“I’m sorry Emily, but we’re going to have to take her away for now to get her cleaned up. Plus, your placenta still needs to come out and she can’t be in your arms while that’s happening.” Dr. Geller spoke up, bursting the small bubble that was unconsciously made around me and my child.

“Oh… Of course.” I nodded in understanding, remembering my previous pregnancy. A nurse came up beside me and smiled while extending her arms out, waiting for me to put my child in her arms.

“I think we should call her Alana,” Adrian suddenly spoke up. “Mason and Alana.”

“Alana,” I repeated, more to myself. “I like it.” I smiled, placing a soft kiss on Alana’s forehead before gently passing her over to the nurse. She Copyright 2016 - 2024