The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,152

as I met his smiling expression.

Unfortunately, Victor’s grin instantly fell at the mention of the small technological device. “I… I’m sorry, Emily… I’m not allowed to give it to you to use. He… He tracks my calls because I’m the assigned chef for this room. I have to keep my mouth shut and that’s how he makes sure of it,” he explained with a sympathetic expression.

I swallowed in disappointment before nodding in understanding. “It’s okay… Thanks anyway.”

An uncomfortable silence settled between us as began to chop up the vegetables for the cheeseburger, and I decided to speak up again. “So… Are you seeing anyone at the moment?” I asked in an attempt to make conversation.

Victor grinned. “Why, are you interested?”

My cheeks flushed crimson as his reply registered in my mind. “No, I have a boyfriend. I was just asking.”

Victor laughed at my reply. “I know, the infamous Adrian Kingston. I was just trying to be funny. I have a wife and 3 children,” he answered, smiling as he mentioned his family.

“Oh that’s great! What are their names and how old are your children?” I asked with a grin.

“Katherine is my wife, and my children are Kelly, Seth, and James. Kelly is 4, Seth is 2 and James just turned 8 months three days ago.”

I let out a sigh of admiration and grinned in his direction. “They sound lovely.”

“Seth is Satan’s spawn; but I love them. Hey! Maybe you could come and have dinner at my place one day! Katherine would love to meet someone like you. Your burger is served madam,” Victor announced in a badly attempted French accent.

I laughed as he set the plate filled with fries and a fresh cheeseburger in front of me, and I dug into the fries immediately. “Is he starving you up here or something?” Victor laughed as he observed my eagerness to eat.

“She was starving herself, actually.” David’s cool voice sounded from behind me. “Victor, your services are always appreciated. You may leave now.”

I stopped chewing mid-fry as all the hunger in my body deflated and the burger suddenly seemed less appetizing than it was a few seconds ago.

Victor nodded as soon as David finished speaking, and instantly began to pack his things. “If you need anything else to eat, just tell them to give me a call,” Victor told me as he placed the last bowl into his bag.

I nodded stiffly, feeling uncomfortable under David’s cool gaze. “Thanks again,” I murmured quietly.

Victor only managed to give a brief smile before he quickly made his way out of the kitchen, leaving me alone with the man I loathed with every fibre of my being.

“So you’ve finally come out of hibernation,” David commented with an amused smile.

I didn’t bother to respond as I meekly put another fry into my mouth.

“So? Have you finally gotten over your little sulking stage?” David prompted mockingly.

I let out an annoyed groan. “Can you please just… I don’t know… not talk for 5 minutes?”

David chuckled as I took a large bite from the burger. “As you wish, princess. I’ll let you eat in peace, and you can return the favour once you’re done.”

“Whatever,” I mumbled childishly, shoving another two pieces of fries into my mouth and chomping on them miserably. David had killed my mood to the point where even the fries that tasted like crunchy pieces of heaven 5 minutes ago, tasted soggy and stale now.

I decided to take my time eating in an attempt to avoid him for as long as possible; to the point where the bread for my burger began to turn hard from how cold my food was getting.

“I doubt it takes you that long to finish a simple burger and fries,” David uttered in annoyance once he re-entered the small kitchen. ”I’ve seen you eat with Allen; you practically inhaled the serving in front of you in less than 5 minutes.”

“It does when I’m trying to avoid people.” I glared in response.

David chuckled at my comment before taking the plate from in front of me. “Get up,” he ordered in a serious tone.

“David, it’s been a week. I don’t know how much more obvious I can make it. Just let me go home. Please,” I begged, getting off my seat only to take a few steps away from him.

“Emily. You can make this easier for all of us and just have sex with me. I’m not asking for much-”

“Not asking for much?!” I interrupted hysterically. “You’re asking me to cheat on the man Copyright 2016 - 2024