The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,151

as the hunger finally caught up to my body. I quickly scanned my room in hopes that I would find another chocolate bar lying around and groaned in annoyance when the only thing remotely close to a bar was the wrapping from two days ago.

Deciding it was time to leave the comfortable four walls of the room I was staying in, I went in search of any type of snack that would be available in the kitchen. David didn’t even think to keep a small packet of chips in these cupboards for me to snack on when I got hungry.

I looked around in annoyance to search for the hotel room phone to call room service, when I remembered he had taken that phone away as well. Letting out a frustrated sigh, my eyes landed on the tall security guard standing at the entrance of the room.

I frowned in thought before clearing my throat slightly. “Excuse me.” I spoke up in an attempt to catch his attention.

He remained staring forward, not even flinching at the sound of my voice.

My frown increased as I began making my way towards him. “Hello, is it okay if I ask you for a favour?” I asked once I was standing directly in front of him.

The guard’s eyes slid down to meet my short frame, and he raised an eyebrow in response. “That depends what it is,” he replied.

I opened my mouth to respond but the loud growl of my stomach beat me to it, making my cheeks flush in embarrassment. “I’m kind of hungry,” I mumbled once the loud growl ended.

The guard chuckled and nodded in understanding before pulling out a phone from his pocket. He dialed a few numbers before putting the rectangular device to his ear. “Send up the chef. She’s hungry.”

I smiled slightly as he slid the phone back into his pocket. “Thank you.”

“He’ll be up here in 5 minutes,” he replied swiftly.

I nodded before making my way back to the kitchen in boredom while my previous thoughts came back to my mind. Why would Rita betray me like that? They had mentioned something about money in their conversation… if Rita needed money, why didn’t she just ask Adrian?

A puffed out voice pulled me out of my phase. “I got here as fast as I could.”

“She’s in the kitchen,” I heard the guard reply before a huffing chef joined me in the small space.

“Thank you so much for coming. I’m sorry to trouble you…” I trailed off, grimacing in guilt.

The chef placed the large bags he was holding onto the counter before waving me off. “It was nothing!” he reassured me with a wink. “I get paid to do this, and I love my job. So it’s a win-win situation. What would you like me to cook?”

I bit my lip in thought. “Uh… I’d really like a cheeseburger and some fries right now. Is that okay, chef…?”

“Just call me Victor.” He grinned, taking out a small bag of potatoes. “And of course I can do that. I can make that with my eyes closed!”

I smiled at his enthusiasm before taking a seat on the opposite side of the table. “Thank you so much.”

“So what’s your name again?” Victor asked as he began peeling the potatoes at lightning speed.

“Emily. Do you… Did you want me to help with anything?” I asked as I watched him throw the peeled potatoes into a steel bowl.

“Nope. I’m good! How long have you been here?”

I sighed before answering. “I’m not sure. I think it’s been about a week now.”

“Wow. The girls he usually keeps here would’ve broke and did what he wanted the night he brought them in. You’re a fighter. Admirable trait.” Victor nodded in approval.

My mind temporarily blanked. “What do you mean ‘other girls’?” I asked in disgust.

“Oh… Please don’t tell me you’re the jealous type.” Victor cringed, looking away from the potato in his hands to give me a look of panic.

I scoffed. “Not for David. I can’t stand the man.”

Victor let out a loud laugh before he finished cutting his last potato. “I knew I remembered your face! You were the one that pretended to be allergic to ravioli and glared at him the entire dinner! I like you.” He grinned while pointing the knife in my direction.

I laughed and blushed at the comment before looking down at the white table. “Would you know if… I mean… do you have a phone I could use?” I whispered, my eyes growing wide with desperation Copyright 2016 - 2024