The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,150

as much as myself as I could with the sheets and falling into another deep sleep.


I woke to the sound of my door being clicked shut softly.

My eyes snapped open and I shot out of my bed awake and alert for any movement that would occur in the room.

I looked around and found nothing out of place except for a new jacket added to the pile of clothes in the room. The book I was reading was also moved from the table beside my bed and was now sitting next to pile of clothing on the table across from me.

The sound of voices caught my attention. They mentioned my name, and I instantly threw the sheets off my body to find out what they were saying.

I began walking to the door just as the voices became audible.

“-Kidding me? She has a fucking bruised cheek because of you!” Someone whispered angrily.

“It’s not my fault she was being so stubborn,” I faintly heard.

“I only agreed to play along with this because you promised you wouldn’t hurt her!” A feminine voice hissed.

My eyes widened and I pressed my ear against my room door in an attempt to extract more of the conversation.

“This is none of your business. I’ve paid you the amount we agreed to, now leave.” A lower voice responded calmly. I instantly recognised it as David’s.

The feminine whisper sounded enraged, and her voice level increased. “No! I can’t believe I played along with your stupid game in the first place! I undressed her for you, bought her new clothes to wear, told you everything she told me; all because I thought-”

“Be quiet!” David snapped. “You need to leave right now. And if you so much as think about opening your mouth to anyone about this-”

“You’re not going to get away with this,” the voice whispered back angrily. “They’re all searching for her. Adrian’s focusing on you in particular. I can’t keep quiet any longer. I want double of what you paid me. That’s the only way I’ll keep my mouth shut.”

A small gasp escaped my lips at the mention of Adrian. He was looking for me?

I heard David sigh irritably before he spoke up again. “Stay out of my business. I’ll have the money for you by tomorrow. Meet at our usual spot. Now leave; the last thing we both need is for her to wake up to find-”

I decided then that this was a good time to open the door and catch them both in the act. My door flew open, and the angry expression I summoned onto my face instantly dropped as a resilient wave of betrayal washed over me; making me stumble back in shock.

The pair of heads snapped towards me, and I watched as one head let out another irritated sigh as the other face’s eyes widened in shock at the realisation of being caught in the act.

“This is just great. You’re not getting anything. Leave,” David snapped at the woman in annoyance.

She didn’t pay attention to him as her eyes began blinking in shock. “Emily-”

I shook my head rapidly, swallowing back the thick feeling in my throat as my eyes slowly built up tears. “No.”

“Emily, I can explain-” she began again.

“Leave, Rita,” David spoke up, giving her a stern look. “She doesn’t want to speak with you, and neither do I.”

I blinked back my tears as I looked at her once more. For once in my life, I didn’t protest against his words.

Chapter Twenty-eight

The next few days flew by in a blur.

David didn’t even bother interacting with me. I had only had 3 glasses of water and a chocolate bar and even then, I wanted to throw it all up.

Rita was the mole. David’s ‘little bird.’ The feeling of betrayal was still seething through my veins as I recalled all the times that I had spoken to her about David and what Adrian or I had in mind in order to eliminate him as soon as we could.

Guilt was another thing playing at my mental state as the constant silence in my room reminded me of how I had accused Anna of helping David, and as a result, got her fired. I personally knew how hard it was to find a job after leaving Kingston Corp., and that was because I quit – god only knew how hard it was for Anna since she was actually fired from her job.

I sighed before a loud grumble defeated the silence in my room, and I blushed to myself Copyright 2016 - 2024