The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,153

I am currently with and currently in love with, just so the man I loathe with every nerve in my body can have a good fuck!” My hands instantly flew to my mouth once I realised the words I used, and I looked back at him with wide eyes. “Sorry.”

David chuckled at my apology and indicated to where I was standing. “Do you see why I want you so bad, Emily?”

“Don’t start with this stupid ‘you’re so innocent yet so sexy’ speech again or I will literally throw this stool at you.” I growled in annoyance.

David let out an irritated sigh before running his hands through his thinning hair. “I’ve been so patient with you for the past week. I’ve let you sulk over a stupid friendship, not eat, I’ve let you stay in your room and I haven’t forced you into doing anything with me because I want you to be willing-”

“Which will never happen,” I reminded him.

“My patience has now run out with you, Emily. Come here,” David snapped, glaring at me angrily.

My tough expression instantly fell at the tone of his voice and his angry expression, and I stood frozen in the position I was currently in. “David, please don’t do this.”

“Come on, Sunshine. It really isn’t fair that Adrian gets to have the better company and the best girl on his arm. I need to do this – to make it even.”

“Then take his company!” I pleaded desperately, taking another step backwards as he took a step towards me.

“No. That won’t suffice,” David muttered angrily. ”You see, you are of much more value to him than his company. I ruin you? He’ll practically have nothing; and I’ll feel even with him for once.”

“This is what this is about? Being even with him? You’re in the business world, David; there will always be people who are better or worse than you are,” I tried calmly, hoping that my advice would distract him from his current intentions. “That’s just how it works! You want to change that? The only way that’s possible is if you try harder to get your business to be successful and more widely spoken about. This is not the way to do it.”

David laughed, and my shoulders sagged in defeat once I knew my plan wasn’t going to work. “I don’t care about my company. I care about being the best. Having you, apparently, will make that happen. Once we happen, I’ll be known all over the papers and Adrian will be known as the man who had his heart broken.”

I clenched my teeth at the thought of David having satisfaction over Adrian’s misery. “WE are only going to happen over my dead body.” I clenched my fists in frustration before making my move and exiting the kitchen in a sprint.

“ROBERT!” David called out angrily once he realised I had escaped the small area.

I let out a small whimper as the name registered in my mind and only managed to take two more steps before a bulky pair of arms trapped me in the position I was in.

“You shouldn’t try running from him anymore,” Robert murmured into my ear quickly, before David walked into the living room. “Just do as he says and you’d be able to leave.”

“You can’t run from me, Emily.” David smiled coldly once he set eyes on my captured figure.

“Please let me go,” I begged, weighing out my options in my head. I had no other method of escape, especially with Fabio keeping me in place.

“Give me what I want and I can arrange for that to happen,” David replied with a casual shrug.

“No, anything else. Anything,” I pleaded, feeling my eyes grow glassy from the tears forming in them.

David began to walk towards me, and smiled icily once he was inches away. “You can leave now, Robert. Let her go,” he ordered, keeping his gaze on mine the entire time.

I felt Robert’s arms slowly loosen their grip around my body before his entire torso detached itself from my back and he walked back to his position near the door.

David instantly grabbed a hold of my wrist and pulled me into his own crisp suit; the icy smile never faltering on his face. “I’m so glad you’re finally warming up to me, Sunshine.”

“Go to hell,” I spat, trying to worm myself out of his grip.

“Not without having my way with you first.” His other arm began to encircle itself around my waist as he trapped both my arms in a Copyright 2016 - 2024