The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,146

demanded, shaking slightly.

“ROBERT!” David called out suddenly, ignoring my question. I scanned the room again in an attempt to search for something that could be of use to me – like my phone – but was cut short once the same large man that I recognised from last night entered the room, holding a familiar looking cloth.

David motioned for him to stop moving and turned back to me with a small smile on his lips. “You seem tired, Emily. Let me help you out with that.”

“There is no way in hell I’m going to be drugged again!” I snapped, taking a step back with a glare. I instantly ran behind a chair as a barricade in case Robert decided to come any closer.

David sighed, before looking back to the tall, buff man. “Give us a minute, will you Rob? I need to talk some sense into her before she takes another nap.”

“No, you don’t.” I scowled immediately. “I want to go home.”

“To what? A very angry boyfriend? Ah! I must’ve forgotten to tell you. I’ve messaged your pretty little boyfriend and let him know that you were with me. Well, actually, you messaged him from your phone telling him you came with me for a chat and won’t be back for a while. You know Emily, using your anniversary date as your passcode is very predictable; anybody could get into your phone. You wouldn’t want that.” His pout was mocking as he shook his head in my direction.

“You’re an asshole.” I growled, growing angrier by the second. I could barely tolerate his irritating presence as it was, and now David Walter tells me he went through my phone? He tested my limits.

“Anyway, I wonder if your beloved boyfriend is even looking for you right now? He’s probably picking up his latest treat since you’ve abandoned him for a while with his worst enemy and you two were fighting beforehand.” David’s smug smile pulled apart the last string that was holding my patience together, and I grabbed the nearest thing to me – which happened to be a lamp – and launched it in his direction.

Robert immediately blocked David from receiving the hit, and turned to glare at me once the lamp rebounded off his back and landed on the floor in a clatter.

Panic began to rise in my throat once I realised I was completely defenseless now; so I did what natural human being instinct told me to do: I ran.

I ran in the opposite direction that Robert thought I was going to go in; giving me a 3-second advantage. Unfortunately; it was only that. A 3-second advantage. Within those 3 seconds, I was on the ground with a ton of human being pinning me down firmly so I wasn’t able to move.

“My, my. You are a handful, Emily Johnson.” David chuckled. I shifted my head and found his sleek black shoes in front of my face. He tucked one foot underneath my chin and pushed my head up so that I was looking up at him. I made sure my expression was nothing but the fiercest glare I could muster up, although he didn’t seem fazed by it.

“I think you should listen closely when I say this; there is no way of escaping this hotel room without me getting what I want. The windows are barred, and the only door to exit this place is code initiated. Even if you did manage to guess the code – which you wouldn’t, because I, unlike some people, don’t use an anniversary date-”

“Because you have no anniversary to use,” I spat out, still glaring.

He kicked my chin purposefully and glared down at me. “Don’t interrupt me when I’m speaking to you. My point is, Emily, I have guards just like Robert here stationed at every entrance or exit of this hotel who know who you are. They are very loyal to me, so I suggest you give me what I want, and no one gets hurt.”

“What the hell do you even want from me?!” I exclaimed angrily. My eyes widened in shock just as the one possibility registered in my mind, and my glare transformed to a look of pure desperation. “Please, anything but that. I- I’ll give you money-”

David scoffed. “Money? I have enough money to buy myself an island and start a new empire. I don’t need any more money. I just want you. One night.”

I shook my head on his shoe. “No. No I won’t.”

David shrugged with the same Copyright 2016 - 2024