The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,147

amused smile on his face. “Well that’s a shame. Robert?”

I didn’t even get the chance to take a step before a thick arm wrapped itself around my waist while a soft, foul smelling cloth was pressed up against my nose. Everything began fading into blackness once again.


I woke up in the same bed.

Except this time, there was too much light and there was a steaming bowl of chicken soup, along with a tall glass of water, accompanying me in the stuffy room.

It was then that I also noticed the shimmering gold dress I had been wearing sprawled across a small chair near the door of the room, and my breath hitched in my throat as a million thoughts rushed through my mind.

Did something happen while I was out of it? I looked down at my current attire in a panicked state, only to find myself wearing a thin cotton shirt and a pair of navy sweatpants that were both my exact size.

My stomach began to grumble just as the aroma of the chicken soup filled my nostrils, and I looked back at the while bowl with caution. There was no way David Walter would give me normal food or drink without spiking it with something.

Ignoring the urge to devour the food, I went back to trying to figure out how I got into these clothes.

I jumped out of the bed as soon as I heard a door slam shut from outside the room, and instantly threw my own door wide open.

David Walter strolled in with a lazy smug expression as he placed his phone onto the counter beside him and sipped on the blue cup in his hand. Once he noticed me standing at my own doorway, the lazy grin widened slowly. “Good morning, sunshine.”

“What the hell did you do to me?” I snapped, ignoring his greeting.

David raised his eyebrows. “Nothing yet, unfortunately. Does this mean-”

“Shut up. How did I get into these clothes if you did nothing to me?” I asked angrily in an attempt to hide my panic.

His eyes slid over my attire before he began laughing. I attempted to keep my expression angered as his laughter died down and his eyes settled on me once again. “As much as I would have loved to undress you, I didn’t want you to hate me more than you already do. So I got someone you’d be semi-comfortable with to do it for me, even though you probably hate her now.” He chuckled as a single name overpowered the thoughts in my head. Anna.

“I don’t know how many times I have to say it, no matter how much you cater to my needs or try and make me feel comfortable, I’m not-”

“Emily,” David cut me off, setting his drink down and beginning to walk towards me. “It’s one night. Whether or not you want to do it willingly or I have to force you into it is up to you.” He stood right in front of me and I began to take a step back before he grabbed my upper arm, stopping me from moving any farther away from him.

“Let me go.”

“What is it exactly that’s stopping you from letting us happen, Emily?” David murmured, bringing his free hand to cup my cheek.

A look of disgust automatically made its way to my face as I tried to pull away from his hold. “Everything! You’re disgusting and desperate for something that’s never going to happen with me. Let me go, and we can pretend this entire thing didn’t happen.” I tried, keeping my voice even.

He chuckled again at my words and placed a kiss on my cheek before I was able to stop it from happening. My glare increased as he smiled in response.

“That won’t be happening. Have you eaten?” he asked.

My mind instantly went back to the bowl of soup that was still sitting on the small table in the room I was being held in. it was probably cold by now, but I didn’t care. “No.”

“I haven’t poisoned it, Emily.” David chuckled.

My eyes narrowed even further. “The fact that you had to clarify that for me says something.”

“I’m being honest with you. I could tell that you didn’t trust me so I brought it up for you. Would you like me to call up the chef so he can cook you a meal in front of you?”

“I’m not hungry.”

“Emily. You need to eat,” David murmured.

“No, I don’t.”

“Fine. Starve for all I care. It’s not going to change anything. I’m Copyright 2016 - 2024