The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,145

within range of one of the dim spot lights. “You know, it’s pretty embarrassing to have security escort you out of an event that has a lot of your clients. You can’t even begin to imagine the shame I felt.” He stuck out his bottom lip in a mock pout, before it turned into a sneer.

I began to back away from him and swiftly turned around to run away, but ran into a solid chest. The man I ran into instantly held me in place just before a rough material was pressed up against my mouth and nose.

“We’re going to have fun, you and me.” David chuckled in a low voice.

The cloth was pressed against my nose with even more force; and then, everything was black.

Chapter Twenty-seven

I woke up expecting the stench of wet mould to fill my nostrils; instead, I found myself in a queen sized bed in a dimly lit bedroom. I instantly bolted upright from my sleeping position and jumped out of the bed immediately, scanning the small area around me.

Trust David Walter to kidnap me and hold me hostage in a fancy room.

The gold dress was still weighing down my shoulder and hugging my figure tightly, and I was thankful the shimmering piece was not removed during the process of tucking me into the creepy bed. Unfortunately, my belongings – which included my phone and a very valuable tube of lip gloss – were taken away from me.

Deciding that nothing more was going to happen in the small bedroom, I went for the door, which, surprisingly, was unlocked. Stepping out into a brighter room caught my eyes off guard, and I had to squint in order for them to readjust to the lighting, and they narrowed even further once I heard an all too familiar chuckle reach my ears.

I turned to the side to find David Walter sitting on a plain white chair, smiling in my direction. “Sleeping beauty awakens.”

“What the hell is your problem?” I exclaimed angrily, clenching my teeth. “Are you that desperate for human companionship that you had to kidnap someone to get it?!”

“Now, now Emily. There’s absolutely no reason to be angry-”

“No reason to be angry?!” I repeated with an incredulous look. “You’ve kidnapped me!”

“Well, you wouldn’t come willingly, would you?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Obviously not, you’re a creep!” I exclaimed, before blushing slightly. “Sorry, I’m not trying to be mean. But you are,” I re-stated once his expression turned to one of amusement.

“And this is why I’ve had to kidnap you,” he stated, as if I had just presented the reason.

I gave him a flat look. “You didn’t actually clarify the reason.”

“Look at you, Emily. Your appearance, as well as your personality is much well suited to me than it would be to Adrian Kingston. If you had just come with me the day we met-”

I let out an angry growl. “Stop right there. I don’t know how many times I have to actually say it to you; but I’ll repeat it once more just so it can sink into that thick skull of yours. This – whatever sick thing you have planned out in your mind – isn’t happening. I’m with Adrian, and I love him. No one is going to stop that apart from the man himself. Let me go.”

David blinked once before he began to chuckle again, and raised his eyebrow once he was done. “The man himself? You mean the one you fought with before I took you? He looked pretty angry with you… I wonder if he’s searching for you as we speak, if he even noticed you were gone at all last night.”

“Last night?” I repeated, whipping my head around in search for a window. The room was sealed with regal gold curtains; concealing any signs of the outdoors.

“Oh, how rude of me. Good morning, sunshine. You were out like a nightlight. It was almost peaceful watching you sleep – if I hadn’t known you were drugged.” He chuckled to himself again, and I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes.

“You’re crazy and I want to go home. Now.”

“Ah, Emily. So na?ve. You’re not leaving until I get what I want from you.” David’s voice turned serious, and my fear spiked up.

“I’m not breaking up with Adrian, or doing anything that’s unfaithful to him,” I announced, trying to sound firm to conceal my fear.

“Not by choice,” David added with a wink and a sly smile.

“W- What do you mean by that?” I Copyright 2016 - 2024