The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,144

“He only wants you to hug him so he can make a comment about your chest.”

I instantly stopped walking and blushed furiously at the revelation. “Damn you,” Mason mumbled to his wife.

I laughed as Katherine rolled her eyes at her husband before she stood up with a small smile playing on her lips. “It is nice to see you again, Emily. You look drop dead gorgeous tonight. That dress does more wonders to your body than the usual ones do,” she stated calmly, before pulling me into a hug.

I blushed at her observation and hugged her back. “Thank you. You look incredible! Red is definitely your colour.” I smiled.

“Where is my son?” Katherine asked. “I’m quite surprised he doesn’t have you attached to his hip – or lips – at the moment.” Her eyes twinkled in amusement, and I blushed even more under her gaze.

The mention of Adrian put me in a sad mood again, and I sighed before answering. “He’s firing someone.”

“Oh?” Katherine replied, her eyebrows raised in surprise.

“It’s a long story,” I mumbled, taking my seat across from them.

“Don’t worry, Emily,” Mason spoke up. “Adrian is quite the idiot when it comes to your wellbeing. He’ll fire himself if it meant making you happy. Just give him a little time to cool off and then I’m sure everything will be back to normal.” He whistled. “And by the way, damn straight that dress does wonders!” Katherine wacked him across the head.

I laughed as Mason glared at his wife, who was wearing a smug smirk, before my phone started buzzing at my ankle. Frowning, I bent down to retrieve it, and found a text message from and unfamiliar number:

This is Jared Gilbert. I was running late tonight and security won’t let me in, even though I’m on the list. Will you please come and retrieve me? I’m at the side entrance.

Jared Gilbert? My mind mentally scanned the guest list for tonight’s event and I frowned once my memory came up blank. “Excuse me for a moment, I need to take care of something outside.” I smiled.

“Take your time, sweetie, we can entertain ourselves. Make sure you sway your hips for me when you leave though. I need something to look at while my wife is still giving me the silent treatment.” Mason winked, earning another wack on the head.

I laughed at the couple in front of me before leaving the table and making my way through the small clusters of people, towards the exit of the reception.

“Hey, where are you off to?” Allen spoke up, suddenly appearing beside me. “Blake told me to tell you that he’s taken Amy home.”

I grinned. “My plan has worked! I’ve got to take care of something with a guest outside. Have you… Um… Have you spoken to Adrian?” I asked, trying to keep my expression neutral.

Allen’s eyebrows shot up in surprise before the realisation settled into his expression. “You guys had a fight, didn’t you?”

I sighed. “I didn’t want him to fire Anna in front of any of these people, and he went and did it anyway.”

Allen nodded in understanding. “I did hear a few people mentioning what an asshole he is for publically humiliating a woman like that… But others kind of shunned her. There goes her reputation,” Allen mumbled, more to himself than to me.

“This is my fault.” I sighed, looking down at my heels. Adrian was angry with me, and now Anna was never going to be able to get a decent job again.

“Hey, don’t blame yourself,” Allen stated firmly. “None of this is your fault.”

I looked up at him with a small smile before pulling him in for a quick hug. “You’re a great guy.”

“I know,” he replied with an arrogant grin.

I laughed and rolled my eyes before gasping. “Oh my god! I completely forgot about Jared! I have to go let him in, I’ll be right back.”

“Jared? Who is Jared? I’m going to wait for you here,” Allen said, leaning against the door frame.

“Jared Gilbert. I’ll be back soon.” I rushed out of the reception room and hurriedly made my way over to the side entrance of the venue.

The side entrance was almost completely unlit, with only a few yellow spot lights flickering in certain areas, making it difficult to make out any people.

“Jared Gilbert?” I called out after a few more glances.

“Not quite, but you’re pretty close.”

I froze in my position as the all too familiar voice of David Walter reached my ears, just as he stepped Copyright 2016 - 2024