The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,143

“It’s pretty obvious that your brother likes her as well. Why haven’t they tried it out yet?” Allen asked, looking around the crowded reception.

“It may be obvious to a third person; but those two are completely oblivious about their feelings for each other.” I laughed at that, remembering the day of our graduation when Amy had accidentally pulled Blake into a hug, and they both acted awkward after that.

“I’m guessing you invited them both here tonight to play the role of cupid?” Allen asked, casting a sideways smirk in my direction.

I shrugged and grinned. “I have to entertain myself at these things somehow.”

Allen pretended to act offended. “What, I’m not entertaining enough for you? I’m wounded.”

I laughed and rolled my eyes before I began scanning the room again. “Shut up you big bab-” My sentence swallowed itself up in my throat as my eyes landed on the one thing I didn’t want to see tonight.

“Big what? D- Emily? Are you okay?” Allen noticed my frozen stare, and followed my line of gaze until he spotted what I was looking at. “Son of a bitch, you were right,” Allen mumbled under his breath, before grabbing onto my arm. “Come on, we have to find Adrian and tell him.”

I don’t remember how but suddenly, we were near the stage at the front of the room and Adrian had me in a protective hug. “I’m not going to let anything happen, Shortcake,” Adrian murmured into my hair, rubbing my back softly. “You don’t need to worry.”

“I was right,” I mumbled into his chest.

“I specifically told the fucking security of this place not to let him in,” Adrian growled.

“I’ll take care of it,” Allen spoke up, before I heard him walk off.

“Emily. What did you see?” Adrian asked, pulling away from the hug but still keeping me in his arms.

“David Walter and… Anna. They were in the corner of the room talking. David passed Anna an envelope, and that’s when Allen brought me to you.”

“Son of a bitch,” Adrian muttered.

“She was so nice to me… We were going to talk later on with a glass of wine in our hands.”

“I’m going to fire her right now,” Adrian growled, ignoring my rambling.

“No! Adrian, not here,” I pleaded, grabbing a hold of his arm.

Adrian gave me an angered look of disbelief. “Are you kidding me? Why the fuck not?! That stupid little bitch-”

“No! You’re at a formal event. People are here to listen to your speech about future plans with the company and shake your hand and give you cheques. You can’t show a mean side of yourself right now; firing someone is not the way to go.”

Adrian just glared down at me. “Does it look like,” he began slowly, “I give a fuck about the company right now?”

I sighed. “Adrian, please. Don’t be irrational about this. You can’t fire-”

“Emily. Who I do or do not fire is none of your concern nor is it in your control. She fucked with you, so I ruin her.” Adrian’s tone was final, and he walked away before I could say anything else to change his mind.

Anna was the one. The mole. David Walter’s ‘little bird.’ No wonder why her apology was so sudden.

I began to walk back to the table I was assigned to while smiling briefly at whoever I passed. Adrian was angry with me, and he was going to need a few hours to cool off before I would be able to talk to him again. My thoughts wandered back to Anna’s behaviour earlier this evening, and my frown deepened as I bit my lip. She was being nice; cautious with what she was going to say to me but nonetheless, nice.

“I’m in love with your chest,” a deep, familiar voice uttered.

“Mason!” Another, more feminine voice scolded, pulling me away from my thoughts completely.

I looked up from my shimmering dress to find Katherine glaring at a smug looking Mason, and a small smile instantly appeared on my lips. “Hello! I didn’t know you two were coming tonight.”

“Well, my bitch of a son forced us to; even though I’m getting too old for this shit.” Mason grunted, before another smile appeared on his lips. “Come on Emily, give this poor old man a hug.” His smile began to grow as he waggled his eyebrows in my direction.

I frowned slightly in confusion before cautiously making my way over towards Mason’s seat.

“Poor girl. Don’t hug him Emily,” Katherine warned in a deadpan voice, giving her husband another flat look. Copyright 2016 - 2024