The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,110

course I am, honey,” Katherine replied, smiling tightly at the both of us. “You couldn’t be with a more suitable woman.”

“Katherine,” Mason said, making me turn to him in shock. This was the first time I’ve heard Mason Kingston be serious, and boy did he sound scary. “I don’t know what you have against Emily, but you’re taking it too far now. Adrian has chosen her - accept it.” He gave her a strict look.

Katherine’s gaze sliced through me as she went to look at her husband, before tightly nodding her head. “Of course,” she replied in a crisp tone, before taking her seat on our table. Adrian’s stiff posture relaxed slightly against my own, just as we returned to our own seats.

I turned around to start another conversation with Allen before I felt a warm breath on my ear.

“I’m starting to regret seating you next to Allen, Shortcake,” Adrian murmured.

I pushed him away before turning back to Allen. “How’s Lisa?” I asked, remembering the bubbly teenager who made surprisingly good coffee.

Allen rolled his eyes before his expression turned desperate. “Help me, Emily. She doesn’t shut up about that boy band. I don’t know what to do!” Allen gripped both my arms tightly and shook me, making me laugh.

“One Direction? Allen, she’s a teenager, what do you expect? Plus, they’re pretty cute. Especially the one with the curly hair… what’s his name again?” I asked, biting my lip curiously.

Allen gave me a flat look. “Harry Edward Styles. Born on the 1st of February, 1994,” he recited in a deadpan voice, making the volume of my laughter increase dramatically. Allen glared at me in an attempt to shut me up, but ended up laughing with me once I didn’t stop.

A loud bang erupted from beside me, abruptly cutting our laughter short.

“We’re leaving,” Adrian scowled, glaring down at me as he got up from his seated position.

“What? Why? This is your event!” Allen pointed out with a confused frown.

“No, this is an event to raise money for the cancer foundation in the company’s name. It was his idea anyway,” Adrian snapped, briefly inclining his head in Mason Kingston’s direction, “So he can say the speech. We’re leaving,” he repeated, looking down at me.

“No, we’re not,” I responded, glaring in response.

“Emily,” Adrian growled.

“No, Adrian,” I retorted. “You dragged me here; so we’re staying until the event is over. End of discussion.” I kept my gaze firm.

Adrian stared back at me for a few moments, before his jaw clenched in defeat. “Fine, but get up. I want to talk to you in private.” I raised an eyebrow at his blunt tone and he sighed in frustration. “Please,” he added in a half-mocking tone, making me roll my eyes at his immature display.

He led us to a secluded corner in the wide reception room, and I crossed my arms once we stopped moving. “What.”

“Why aren’t you talking to me, Shortcake?” Adrian whined, pouting.

I tried to mask my surprise with a look of disbelief. “Are you kidding me right now?”

Adrian shook his head with a smirk, before he changed his expression back to the pout. “You’ve been talking to Allen all evening, and ignoring me!”

“I’m going to point out a few things to you as to why that is the case. For one, you made Allen cut all contact with me ever since that day you found us having lunch in the diner together-”

“That’s because you liked him more than a friend,” Adrian interrupted with a stern look.

I opened my mouth to respond then closed it once the words registered in my mind. “No I didn’t! I liked him as a friend, and that was all! Anyway, let me continue, number two; you’re way too controlling and demanding all the time-”

“Amy told me you like dominant guys, so I’m perfect for you,” Adrian smirked, cutting me off again. “That means sexually as well, if you want me to be.” He winked, making me choke in mortification.

“Just- Stop!” I squeaked, flushing the colour of my dress. I had told Amy that before; and now my best friend’s murder was going to be on my hands.

Adrian chuckled at my reaction to his comment, making me glare in return. “Number three,” I continued, ignoring his sexual indications, “You just announced to the entire population of paparazzi out there, that you and I are dating, when we’re not! You’ve said it to my parents, and now to yours as well; but did you ever stop and think to ask me?!” Copyright 2016 - 2024