The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,111

I asked, huffing slightly from anger.

“I love when you’re angry,” Adrian said, taking a step closer towards me.

“Answer my question.” My voice was supposed to come out firm, but I ended up sounding like I was answering my parents after being scolded for doing something wrong.

Adrian sighed before taking another step towards me and wrapping his arms around my waist. “Shortcake,” he began, looking straight into my eyes with a serious expression. “It would give me great honour…” He trailed off.

“Yes?” I murmured, waiting for him to continue.

“If you would…” he continued.

“Mhm?” I urged, looking into his hazel irises.

“Shut up and be my girlfriend.” He smirked, snapping me out of my daze. “Please?” He pouted, before grinning cheekily.

“Asshole.” I scowled, glaring up at his grinning countenance.

“Hey, I asked you!” Adrian said defensively. “Isn’t that what you wanted?”

“You told me to shut up and be your girlfriend!” I exclaimed in disbelief. “In what way is that asking me?”

“I said please!” he replied, as if the answer was obvious.

I gave him another look of disbelief, and he broke out into an amused smirk; breaking my expression.

“You’re an idiot,” I mumbled, grinning slightly as I shook my head.

“Can you kiss this idiot?” Adrian asked with a hopeful expression.

“No,” I responded flatly, trying to fight he blush that was slowly making its way to my cheeks.

“Fine.” He sighed, pulling me in closer. “I guess I’ll have to do all the idiot kissing tonight,” Adrian announced, before I felt his lips on mine for the second time that evening.

My fingers automatically tangled themselves in his hair before I realised I was kissing Adrian, and pulled away instantly. “D- Don’t do that,” I stuttered weakly, blushing.

Adrian smirked before stealing another peck on my lips. “Why not, girlfriend?” He grinned.

I shook my head at his beaming expression before his previous words registered in my mind. “You just insulted me!” I exclaimed, frowning.

“By calling you girlfriend?” Adrian asked, raising an eyebrow.

“That’s an insult as well now that I think about it…” I trailed off, before grinning at his skeptical look. “But no, you called me an idiot before kissing me!”

“You wouldn’t kiss me! So I had to think of a smooth comeback.” Adrian shrugged.

“By calling me an idiot?” I responded slyly. I crossed my arms over my chest. “Real smooth, idiot.”

“I’m your idiot now,” Adrian grinned, stealing another quick kiss on the lips.

“Adrian!” I protested.

“You may as well get used to it, Shortcake. Now that you’re officially mine, I’m going to be kissing you a lot,” Adrian pointed out with a smirk, placing another kiss on my nose.

“Yay for me,” I cheered sarcastically, trying to fight another grin.

“We should just ditch this stupid thing and go home. We’ll watch a movie and order some pizza or something,” Adrian suggested with a determined expression.

“No, Adrian! We’re here for a good cause. Go and sit back down. I’m going to use the restrooms.”

Adrian groaned. “Come on! It’s so boring.”

“It’s your event!” I laughed. “Go make it fun.”

Adrian pulled me into his torso again, catching me off guard and making me squeak in surprise. “I can think of a couple of ways to make it fun. It involves me taking off that beautiful, beautiful dress of yours.” He smirked, before his gaze trailed down to the blood red garment.

My face began to turn the same colour as the dress before I pushed him away. “Go away you idiot,” I mumbled.

He chuckled before placing a lingering kiss on my forehead. “Okay, okay. Don’t be too long, and when you get back, I want you to talk to me. Not Allen,” he demanded sternly, with a glare.

I shook my head. “Okay! Let a woman use the restroom in peace!”

He grinned before turning to walk back to our tables, just as I slipped out of the reception room in search for the restrooms.

I walked out of the large space absent minded while fixing the front of my dress before I ran into something warm. I instantly dropped the heavy material and looked up at the person. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t see you – Oh, M- Mr. Walter. I didn’t know you’d be here tonight,” I stuttered as fear began to overcome me.

David Walter smiled slowly, revealing each bleached tooth in the process. “Emily Johnson. It’s been a while.”

I nodded slowly, forcing out a smile. “Yes… It has. I’m so sorry, I’m afraid I’m going to have to cut this short. Adrian is waiting-”

“Ah yes, Adrian. Your new ‘boyfriend’. How is that going, by Copyright 2016 - 2024