The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,109

Allen spoke up. “Shouldn’t you know that? You know, since she’s your girlfriend, and all?”

“Shut up,” Adrian growled, making me turn to him with a look of disbelief. He was glaring at Allen just as his grip around my waist tightened. I squirmed to wriggle out of it angrily, catching him off guard.

“Are you hungry, Shortcake? Let’s skip this dinner and go get some takeout,” Adrian suggested with a grimace once he noticed my glare.

I let out an angry huff and was about to reply when I was cut off by an all too familiar chuckle. “If this is how I’m going to see my son every time we meet Emily, I must force you into marrying him. You’ve made him your bitch!”

I turned around to find Mason Kingston grinning down at his son and me. “Well?” he demanded with a fake frown, “Where’s my hug?”

I laughed, temporarily forgetting my anger towards Adrian as I got out of my seat and was forcefully pulled into a suffocating hug by Mason, who lifted me off the floor and spun me around.

I let out a squeak of surprise before Mason chuckled and set me back onto the solid floor, laughing. “As light as a feather. Even with those big boobs attached. It’s nice to see you again.” Mason smirked, making my eyes grow wide in mortification as a blush spread through my cheeks.

“It’s… uh… nice to see you again too, sir,” I mumbled, still embarrassed from his previous remark.

“Come on, Emily. You should know to call me Mason by now. How is my son? Is he still being a little slut? It looked like he was your bitch just then, so I’m hoping you’ve changed the idiot’s ways with women.”

Adrian groaned from beside me, darkening my mood once again. “I’m right here, dad.”

Mason smirked down at me for a few more moments before slowly pulling his gaze away and looking at Adrian. His expression turned to one of surprise, like he hadn’t noticed his son standing there before. “Well, if it isn’t Emily’s bitch in the flesh!” Mason cheered, making a few people who were sitting within earshot turn to look at the reunion.

Adrian glared at his father before shaking his head and pulling him into a hug. “Hello to you too, dad,” Adrian grumbled once he pulled away.

Mason waggled his eyebrows. “Did you get some from the lovely lady yet?”

Adrian sighed and shook his head. “It’s killing me, but it’s her decision in the end,” he replied, making me frown. Both men chose to turn their heads over in my direction just then, and I flushed from the unwanted attention.

Mason grinned at my reaction before lazily placing one arm over my shoulders and shaking me lightly. “Keep him on his toes. I want to see how long he lasts. He’s never done this before, you know. He usually would’ve given up on a challenge a long time ago. My son must really like you if he’s stayed this long.”

I frowned and opened my mouth to respond when an ice cold voice beat me too it with a dissatisfied grunt. “I’m sure he does.” All three heads turned to the direction where Katherine Kingston was standing, glaring icily in my direction.

I looked over to Adrian out of habit, and found him glaring at his mother with the same coldness she was currently aiming at me. “Funny you should mention that, father,” Adrian began slowly, tearing his gaze away from his mother. He pulled me out of his father’s grip and into his own, making me flush as mental images of the kiss we shared earlier came to my mind. “I’ve forgotten to tell you. Emily and I are now a couple, we’ve just made it public. Oh, and, she’s moved in with me.” He looked at Katherine as he said the last part, and her gaze – if possible – grew colder.

Mason, oblivious to the tension between his wife and son, lit up like a Christmas tree. “That’s wonderful news! I’m so happy for the two of you! Now you play sex games in the security of your own four walls without any of our workers walking in on you two.” He winked, before bursting into a fit of laughter at his own joke.

Adrian gave his father a flat look before shaking his head and looking back at his mother, who was still staring at me with a cold glare. “Aren’t you happy for me, mother?” Adrian asked, sarcasm lacing his question.

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