The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,108

put me next to you? It’s a picture worth a billion dollars.” He smirked down at me, making my cheeks turn the same colour of my dress.

“Ms. Emily Johnson, are you more than just an assistant to Mr. Kingston?” A man asked, making my eyes widen in shock once I realised the question was directed at me and turning the entire place quiet again.

I didn’t even get the chance to look up at Adrian for help, because he already began answering the question on my behalf. “I’m glad you asked that question, Joseph.”

I frowned in confusion from his response and looked up at him, waiting for an elaboration.

Adrian looked down at me and smirked. “Remember the thing I couldn’t wait any longer for?” he asked. I nodded slowly, still unsure of what he was getting at, before he continued talking. “This is it,” he declared, before I felt him pull me into his torso as his lips crashed onto mine eagerly; making me forget about the flashing lights and murmurs that instantly burst into life as soon as the contact was made.

I began kissing him back just as eagerly, completely forgetting the fact that there were over 50 paparazzi here taking photos and recording the event. I realised after a moment that I was kissing Adrian – my boss – and pulled away in shock while trying to catch my breath. Adrian kept an iron grip around my waist, preventing me from moving away from being pressed against his body, before he turned back to Joseph.

“Emily is, in fact, more than my assistant. She is my girlfriend. Have a nice night.”

Chapter Twenty

She doesn’t say ‘I love you’ like a normal person.
Instead, she’ll laugh, shake her head, give you a little smile, and say, ‘You’re an idiot. If she tells you you’re an idiot, you’re a lucky man.

~^o^~How I Met Your Mother~^o^~


It took a while for the word to register in my mind. In fact, I’m pretty sure I looked like a deer caught in headlights for the entire first hour of the event while sitting next to an extremely satisfied looking Adrian and a slightly worried looking Allen. When the shock did wore off, however, anger overcame my entire being; and boy was I pissed.

I ended up glaring at the silverware in front of me every time Adrian decided to even shift in his seat, and gnashed my teeth together once he spoke up and replied to someone who spoke to him. I’d feel his eyes on me every once and a while, smirking – which pissed me off even more.

“Allen!” I finally spoke up, squealing in delight as I turned in my seat to face Allen fully and ignore Adrian’s now-shocked expression.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t my girlfriend,” Allen winked, pulling me into a tight hug. “I’ll bet that corner booth is missing your bright smile and my hilarious humour,” he joked, pulling away slightly.

I beamed before slapping his shoulder playfully. “Please. The only humorous thing about you is your face,” I teased, grinning.

“Get your hands off her,” Adrian growled suddenly, glaring at Allen. “She’s mine now.”

Allen looked up at Adrian with a sceptic look before shaking his head and giving me a brief smile. “I guess we should wait for the event to start,” he murmured, before pulling away from our embrace completely.

“Hey Allen, do you know what I’ve noticed about you?” I spoke up again, ignoring Adrian’s anger.

I watched as Allen cast a look of surprise in my direction, then wariness in Adrian’s over my shoulder, before he settled a smug smile at me. “What have you noticed, Emily?” Allen asked, catching on with the fact that I was trying to ignore Adrian all together.

“You look a lot like Dave Franco. Practically twins. Has anyone ever told you that?” I asked curiously, smirking slightly once Adrian cleared his throat from behind me.

Allen nodded. “I get that a lot, actually. Is that a good thing, or a bad thing?”

“Oh, a good thing for sure,” I reassured him. “He’s really hot.”

Allen laughed before waggling his eyebrows in my direction. “So you think I’m hot as well, then?” He grinned.

I rolled my eyes to attempt to cover my blush before pushing him away slightly. “Stupid head,” I grumbled, trying to fight my own grin from escaping.

Adrian cleared his throat again before I felt a familiar arm wrap itself around my waist. “Shortcake, what is your favourite colour?”

I raised an eyebrow at Allen while ignoring Adrian’s random question and Copyright 2016 - 2024