Asgoleth the Warrior - By Bill Kirkwood Page 0,45

us to the enemy camp.’

Demos raised an eyebrow and said,

‘You have done well, general. Have this Hillman delivered to me, I would have words with him.’

Valshin grinned when he saw that he had pleased his master.

‘The man awaits outside, my lord.’

Valshin clapped his hands and the door swung open once more to admit two burly guards who bore between them the chained, ragged figure of a Hillman. They threw him to his knees before Demos and held their weapons ready for the first sign of treachery.

Demos settled himself comfortably on a divan and gestured to a slave girl who rushed to fill a golden goblet with fine Torran wine. He dismissed the girl and sipped appreciatively for a moment or two before finally turning his cruel gaze upon the cowering wretch at his feet.

Small, bright eyes stared back at him from a filthy bearded face. The marks of much hardship clung to the man and he held himself tensely as he knelt on the floor. Demos surveyed him coldly for a few seconds more then said,

‘So, my friend, I have been told that for a price, you would be willing to lead my soldiers to the encampment of your friends. Why would you betray them to us?’

The Hillman snorted in disgust.

‘They are no friends of mine, great lord. What have I ever had from them save an empty belly and an even emptier purse? With your gold I will be able to live well in this great city and have all that I desire.’

Demos stared shrewdly at him.

‘It is as you say, Hillman. With gold in his purse a man may indeed live well but gold has to be earned. If you answer my questions truthfully you will be given more gold than you have ever seen before. If you do not, you will die. Do you understand?’

The man grinned and said,

‘Ask what you will, my lord and I will answer as best I can.’

‘Very well then,’ said Demos. ‘Tell me then who has raised the Agar warriors against me and how many men do they number?’

The Hillman’s brow creased in thought then he said,

‘My lord, the Agar number some three thousand men. There are also five thousand men of Torr who fight with them with more joining them every day. They have been brought together under the leadership of a giant yellow haired barbarian named Agoleth of Calthia.’

Demos nodded at his words. His suspicions then had been correct; the barbarian was behind the rebellion against his rule.

‘Tell me more, Hillman. Does the princess Amira still live?’

‘Aye, my lord she does. The yellow hair carried her into our camp one night just after sunset. She was bound and gagged like a common slave girl and he carried her over his shoulder like a sack of corn.

When he appeared suddenly out of the gloom our sentries were taken by surprise. So silent had been his approach that not even the camp dogs heard him. The sentries attacked but he beat them aside easily using only the flat of his blade. Then he just stood there smiling as at some jest.

Our chief, Bal Shoteb, must have heard the noise for he came charging from his hut, bellowing his war cry and waving his great sword. The yellow hair made no move to defend himself. He just stood there with the girl across his shoulder as Bal Shoteb rushed towards him. Then, just as it seemed that he would lose his head, Bal Shoteb came to a halt and lowered his sword. He stared at the yellow hair then to everyone’s amazement, he gave a shout of joy and rushed forward to embrace the barbarian. Then he turned to face the people who had gathered around.

‘Look you upon this man and welcome him here as a friend. He is my sword brother, Asgoleth the Calthian, bid him welcome.’

A cheer rose up from the people then they fell silent again as the yellow hair raised a hand.

‘Hear me, Agar warriors. This girl I carry is the Princess Amira of Torr. She is the rightful ruler of this land and with your help I intend to restore her to her throne. Will you help me do this?’

The warriors roared their agreement and there was much excited talk. Finally Bal shoteb bid them to be silent and asked the barbarian what everyone wanted to know. Why was the princess bound and gagged?

He replied that she was under your spell and the warriors growled with anger. Bal Copyright 2016 - 2024