Asgoleth the Warrior - By Bill Kirkwood Page 0,44

Amira still wriggled upon the ground. He leaned down from the saddle as he passed and lifted her easily across his saddle bow in one graceful movement.

No more enemies came against him and he rode victoriously away from the scene of the battle. Amira's eyes blazed with red fury as Demos glared through them at his enemy. Asgoleth grinned down into those eyes and said,

‘Perhaps you are not quite as all powerful as you think you are Demos Eh?’

Amira’s body wriggled and squirmed but she could do nothing else as she was held fast by the young barbarian and finally the red glow faded from her eyes as Demos relinquished control of her and allowed her to fall into a swoon. Asgoleth frowned down at her and again vowed to make the tyrant pay for her suffering. Then he turned the horses head towards distant Torr. That was where the final battle would be fought and he had much to do before that day came.


Demos glared angrily out of his chamber window at the far off Agar Mountains. Since his return from the blasted lands three weeks before he had faced nothing but one setback after another. Somewhere in those mountains a ragged army of Hillmen and Torran survivors lurked.

They moved at will, destroying his supply columns, attacking and burning his outposts in swift hit and run raids. His men were no match for the desperate and vengeful Torrans. Some of the Torran scum had been captured but all of them had died rather than reveal the location of their companions.

He suspected that the barbarian Asgoleth had a hand in their rebellion but he could not verify it. He had lost his control over the mind of Amira four days after she and the savage had escaped. Perhaps they were both dead out in the wasteland somewhere but he did not really believe that.

He had shared their nightmare journey, watching through her eyes as they battled their way across the Blasted Lands. He had watched with contempt the barbarian's efforts to care for the girl. Saw how he forced her to drink what little water they had, saw the brute’s anguish when he, Demos, caused her to fight and struggle against him. Yet still the barbarian struggled on with his burden. His last sight through her eyes had been of the barbarian brooding over a small fire. He had been cooking meat from their horse which had died earlier that day but when he tried to get her to eat Demos had not allowed her to do so. Finally the barbarian had given a growl of anger and raised his fist.

‘Forgive me, Amira.’ he had said and then his fist had lashed out and darkness had closed in on Demos.

Since that time he had been unable to regain control of the girl. Perhaps the savage had finally slain her. Aye, perhaps he had. Demos shook his head, he knew that if the situation had been reversed that is what he would have done.

A sudden sharp twinge of pain in his arm made him jump and curse. He had used his ancient arts to heal the broken bone swiftly so that he had full use of the limb but still, on occasion, it pained him deeply. If he ever managed to capture that filthy barbarian animal again he would exact a terrible revenge upon him.

His musings were disturbed by a knock on his chamber door.

‘Enter.’ he called. The door opened and a guard entered the room and saluted.

‘My lord, General Valshin seeks an audience with you and waits outside.’

‘Then show him in you fool and be quick about it.’ he snapped. The guard saluted again and left the room and a moment later the general entered.

Demos looked at him coldly. General Valshin had been put in command of the garrisons that now manned the old Torran forts; to him had been given the task of quelling any rebels who still lived. A task he had so far failed miserably at.

Now however Demos saw a glint of eagerness in the man’s eyes. Perhaps at last he had had some success against his foes.

‘Well what have you to report?’ Demos demanded. General Valshin swallowed nervously and said,

‘My lord, two days ago one of my patrols ambushed and captured a group of hillmen. The prisoners proved to be as stubborn as all of those hill bred dogs. There was one among them though who, in exchange for gold and his life, will lead Copyright 2016 - 2024