Asgoleth the Warrior - By Bill Kirkwood Page 0,46

Shoteb summoned the shaman of our people who whisked the princess into his hut, there to work his magic in an attempt to undo the spell that bound her.’

The Hillman paused to catch his breath and glanced at the brooding Demos. Encouraged by the tyrants attention he went on.

‘While the shaman worked, Bal Shoteb ordered a feast to be prepared in honour of the barbarian. They ate and drank and talked far into the night and in the morning runners were sent out throughout the mountains to spread the word that the princess, free now of the spell that held her, intended to raise an army against you. Men flocked to serve under her banner and soon there were so many that a war camp was established in the Valley of the Eagles.

A council of war was held and the Torrans placed themselves under the command of the barbarian. Bal Shoteb announced that the Agar warriors too were his to command. Since that day the warriors have ridden forth at his orders to harry your soldiers who fall before them like wheat before the scythe.’

He stopped and looked expectantly at Demos who sat silently upon his divan. Demos studied the man coldly and the Hillman wilted under that cruel gaze and shivered, uncertain if he would be given gold or death. Wickedly enjoying the man’s obvious fear Demos let him sweat for a time until at last he said,

‘Take him away and see that he is well cared for. Keep him in his quarters I shall have a use for him later. Go.’

The guards led the relieved Hillman away and when they had gone demos looked at general Valshin.

‘With that wretch to act as a guide do you think you and your men can destroy this ragged army?’

Valshin grinned broadly.

‘Aye, my lord I can do it. Give me the chance to come upon them with my army and I shall wipe the scum from the face of the earth.’

Demos nodded,

‘Very well, General, prepare your men for departure. You will find and destroy the enemy camp; when you have done so you will then bring your men to the borders of Drask. There I shall await you with the rest of the army and when you arrive we shall invade. Too long have I allowed these rebels to delay my plans of empire. Soon the world will learn to fear my name. Go now general and carry out your orders.’

The general saluted and headed for the door and demos called after him.

‘Remember, Valshin, I want that barbarian alive. Do not fail me in this.’

General Valshin saluted him once more.

‘I will deliver him to you personally, my lord.’

Demos grinned as he watched the general go. At last things were beginning to go his way once more. Within a matter of days he would lead his army into the neighbouring land of Drask and add that kingdom to his domains. Then he would go on from there. Country after country would fall before him until he was the master of the world. With the terrible power of the Heart of Ra his to command, none would be able to stand against him. He spoke to one of his slaves.

‘You there, summon my generals to me at once.’

The slave bowed low and hurried off to do his masters bidding. Demos followed the slave out and made his way towards the throne room. As he walked, those he passed fell quickly to their knees and he grinned at their subservience. They knew who their master was and soon the rest of the world would know it too.

Finally he reached his destination and even as he took his seat upon the Torran throne, the first of his generals arrived. Within moments others arrived each one eager to take his place, fearful lest they arouse their dark lord’s anger by being late. Soon all were present and they waited in silence for Demos to speak.

He looked them over coldly and took pleasure from their fear of him. At last he said,

‘I have called you here to instruct you to prepare the army to march. In three days time I intend to invade and conquer the land of Drask.’

He sneered at their looks of surprise and waited to see if any would question his commands. Some exchanged nervous glances but none spoke out and demos smiled with cold satisfaction at the power he held over these men and through them, over thousands of others.

He knew full well that Copyright 2016 - 2024