Anyone But Nick (Anyone But... #3) - Penelope Bloom Page 0,31

me for a few seconds, and if I didn’t know better, I’d think he was biting back a smile. But he reached down and picked up the folder suddenly. “Can you walk me through how you broke down those July expenses?”

I forced a smile and made an effort to look unbothered. Great. I’d freaked him out. “Yes. Of course,” I said.

I met Kira and Iris at Bradley’s for dinner. For the longest time, we’d only ever meet at Bradley’s for coffee in the morning, but our evolving schedules meant it was becoming more normal to have our get-togethers whenever our schedules allowed. None of us complained. Bradley’s was the heart of West Valley for us in so many ways. It was where Iris had told us about her first kissing experience in middle school—the now-infamous “vacuum cleaner with teeth” incident that happened after she fell asleep on Bobby Sullivan’s couch while watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It was also where we’d convinced Kira not to shave her head after she’d gotten lice freshman year. It was where we’d met to celebrate when I’d gotten my first grown-up job at Crawford and all the promotions that had come shortly after.

Just being in the dimly lit and busily decorated building always made me feel a little better, no matter what was happening.

Kira and Iris were already waiting at our table by the windows when I arrived. They both stopped talking and watched me with an uncomfortable level of focus as I came in to sit down.

I smiled nervously, shifting my eyes between them. Iris was still in her police uniform, and Kira was dressed like she’d come straight from the classroom. “What?” I asked.

“Well,” Kira said. “New job, huh? We didn’t even know you’d lost your job at Crawford. And then we find out from Cade that you’re working for Nick. It has been two days, and you haven’t said a word to us about it.”

Iris was nodding, arms crossed. “Not a word.”

“Oh, you stop,” I said to Iris. “You and your little husband have been stalking us. I didn’t need to say anything because you creeps have spied it all for yourselves by now.”

“It’s the principle that counts,” Iris said. “I shouldn’t have to spy on my best friend to get the dirt. You should be shoveling it into my eager ears.”

I grinned. “There is no dirt. Okay? I got let go at Crawford, and I should’ve told you guys, but I was already getting a sympathy overdose after the breakup and didn’t want you guys to worry. Besides, I knew I could find another job and figured it’d be easier to talk about once I did.”

“We’re not just here for the good times,” Kira said. “You’re supposed to lean on us when things are shitty. It’s part of the job description.”

“It’s also in the job description that you are allowed to spy if your bullheaded friends are too stubborn to talk about their problems,” Iris added.

“I should’ve told you guys, and I’m sorry. But, seriously, there’s no dirt. Yes, the whole Nick-as-my-boss thing was a surprise. And, yes, I might’ve had to sort through my feelings about that for, like, an hour. But I’m good now. He’s my boss, and we knew each other forever ago, but that’s all in the past now.”

“Mm-hmm,” Iris said.

Both of them watched me until the silence hanging between us felt accusatory.

“It’s complicated,” I said. “But I’ve got it handled.”

They still wouldn’t say anything.

“Okay, so I still have some feelings for him,” I said. “But I care more about doing the job right.”

“Oh, Miranda,” Iris said wistfully. “I still remember how easy you made it sound when you were on the other side of the fence. Just stay away from them, you said. Just be strong, you said. Most importantly, remember the oath. I won’t lie; it’s nice to see even the great Miranda Collins is going to fold under the same pressure we did. Those King cocks are just striking us down, one by one, like three beautiful dominoes—one a little more beautiful and combat ready than the others, but beautiful nonetheless.”

Kira tilted her head. “Am I the combat-ready domino?”

Iris glared. “What’s the best way to stop somebody who has both their hands on your neck?”

Kira thought about that. “Blow a rape whistle?”

Iris reached across the table and gripped Kira by the neck. Kira’s eyes bulged, even though I could see Iris wasn’t squeezing.

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