Anyone But Nick (Anyone But... #3) - Penelope Bloom Page 0,30

decided to do a little digging. We were getting Bear ice cream when we saw you two lovebirds strolling around.”

“We weren’t ‘strolling,’” I said tightly.

“Frolicking. Gallivanting. Call it what you want,” Iris said. “We saw you and decided to take action.”

“By hiding in a bush?” Nick asked.

“Behind the bush,” Cade said. “Technically.”

“This is not a ‘prop,’ by the way.” I held up the folder and pointed to it. “We came here to discuss work.”

“Oh, I’m sure that’s what you told yourselves,” Cade said. “I like to leave our multimillion-dollar, top-of-the-line headquarters when I have to talk about work too. Because, you know, the office is really just for walking around and looking busy.”

“Look,” Nick said to me softly. “I know Cade well enough to know he’s not going to leave us alone unless he gets what he wants. Just cross your fingers behind your back and follow my lead.”

“Cross my fingers? What are we, three years old?”

“I can still hear you two,” Cade said. “But he’s right. I want Miranda to look Nick in the eyes and say, hmm . . .” He tapped his chin thoughtfully. “‘You are my moon and stars.’ And then tuck a lock of hair behind Nick’s ear. Slowly.”

“This is ridiculous. I’m not doing that.”

“Then we’re not leaving. Unfortunately for you, Iris is the only one of us who has somewhere to be. I can pester you all day.”

“Or we could just leave,” I said.

“Miranda,” Nick said. “It’s harmless. He’s just a child in the body of an adult. If we humor him, he’ll leave. But for the record, I don’t have ‘locks’ of hair.”

Cade rolled his eyes. “I didn’t ask for excuses. Just make it happen, people.”

I looked at Nick and fought the urge to sigh dramatically. “You are my moon and stars,” I said in a dull monotone. Then I pantomimed tucking a hair behind his ear. My fingers brushed his temple, and I didn’t fail to notice the wave of goose bumps that sprouted on his neck.

“Good,” Cade said.

“You’re just letting this happen?” I asked Iris.

She grinned. “It’s about time you mounted another horse. So, yes.”

“Actually, I think the idea would be for the horse to mount her, in this case,” Cade said.

“What’s ‘mounting’?” Bear asked.

“It’s when—” Cade started.

“It’s time for you to leave us in peace so we can actually get work done,” Nick said. “Now.”

Cade and Iris looked like two scolded children, but they finally left.

“Maybe one day we’ll be able to go somewhere in public without my brother sneaking up on us,” Nick said.

“He’s . . . persistent.”

Nick chuckled. “That’s putting it lightly. He just worries about me. I think he’s convinced that all the dating I’ve been doing is some kind of sign that I’m going off the rails.”

I tried not to look too interested. I counted to three—albeit a little quickly—before responding. “Why the sudden change, anyway?”


“I just mean the whole speed dating thing. It’s not like I was cataloging your personal life, but, I mean, one minute you seem content being single, and the next you’re with a new woman every week.”

“That’s a bit of an exaggeration.”

“Well, if you want to get technical. Three weeks ago you were dating that redhead—the one with the blog. Then two weeks ago it was that sporty girl who always had her hair in a ponytail. And last week it was Mary. I mean, we all knew Mary from back in high school, and I hardly ever thought . . .” I trailed off when I saw the look on his face. My cheeks suddenly felt very hot. “God. I sound like a complete stalker.”

He smirked. “Just a little bit. But your point is taken. I guess I’ve been a little more active lately. It’s mostly that my parents start trying to set me up with random women from wealthy families if they think I’m not currently dating.”

“And you have to date as frequently as you have been to keep them off your back? Wouldn’t it make sense to just stick with somebody for a little while?”

“Theoretically,” he said. “I just feel guilty when I know it’s not going to work. Stringing them along, I mean.”

I did my best casual voice, staring off into the distance as I spoke. “People around town are saying you don’t even sleep with any of these women, so I guess you find out it’s not going to work pretty quickly, huh? What gives it away?” God. That did not sound casual, at all.

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