After the Accident - Kerry Wilkinson Page 0,13

a bit teary, if I’m honest. I think I embarrassed both of us because Julius started speaking really quickly, saying that I’d be doing him a favour because he could get out of the hotel for a bit.

I told him I’d definitely look after the girls. I was looking forward to it – and, just for a moment, it felt like that island was the best place for me. I suppose I momentarily forgot about what had gone on with Dad.

Then he said that someone had to go and update Daniel and Liz about what had happened – and I realised he meant me.

Julius: I know Emma doesn’t like Daniel, but it’s not as if I’m his biggest fan, either.

Emma: Julius and I found Daniel and Liz by the pool. They had their towels spread across about six beds and Liz was sipping away on a cocktail, even though it was breakfast time. Chloe and Amy were on the edge of the pool, but it didn’t look as if anyone was paying them much attention.

Julius told them to go and play on the slides for a bit, but they didn’t want to. I’d have been the same if I knew something bad had happened and nobody was telling me. Sometimes I think it’s better to treat children with maturity, rather than trying to tiptoe around them. Kids can be so resilient and if you try to hide things from them, it breeds mistrust and perhaps even a fear of the unknown.

…But then I guess I’m not the person to be giving parenting advice.

Julius: Emma did the talking.

Emma: I told them that Dad had fallen off the clifftops behind the hotel and that he was unconscious in hospital. I used that ‘critical but stable’ line, which they nodded along to. I don’t think they understood it any more than I did.

I thought they’d ask a bunch of questions. It’s not as if I had many answers but, when it came to it, they hardly said anything.

Julius: I think Daniel said something like ‘That’s terrible’ – and then Liz parroted him.

Emma: Daniel asked how long he was likely to be in hospital and I said that I didn’t know. He was still unconscious at the moment.

Julius: They both seemed really distant about everything, as if Emma had told them that Dad had a cough and was going to be late down.

Emma: Apart from sitting up a bit, I don’t think either of them moved. Liz even gulped down another mouthful of her cocktail.

Julius: I was definitely expecting more of a reaction.

Daniel: To be honest, it was the way she said it. She mumbles a lot. I thought she meant Geoff had been on the cliff and twisted his ankle, something like that. I didn’t think she was talking about an actual fall from the top. I was shocked when I found out later on. Liz will back me up on this.

Liz: Did you already ask Dan that question? I agree with whatever he told you.

Emma: It was almost as if they hadn’t heard me. Then Daniel looked sideways to Liz and pushed himself up so that he was sitting properly. He said he was sorry for the argument we had the night before and that he hadn’t meant anything he said.

Daniel: That girl should have been the one apologising, but I wanted to be the bigger man. I didn’t want her bringing me down to her level and spoiling Liz’s holiday.

Emma: It was obvious he didn’t mean a word of it. He didn’t take off his sunglasses and I doubted he could even remember what he’d said to me the night before, let alone when he’d toasted me with that glass. I remember his exact words at the end. He coughed and then said: ‘When I said “Have a drink”, I didn’t mean…’ before he tailed off.

He never finished the sentence, so I did it for him. I told him: ‘I know exactly what you meant.’

He lifted his sunglasses and looked at me properly and there was this sort of surprise there. It’s obvious that we don’t like each other, but I really think he believed this non-apology would do the trick. That you can say and do whatever you like and then wave it away afterwards. He was shocked that I wasn’t accepting it.

Julius: It’s not like Emma and I are best mates – but even I know that wasn’t an apology.

Daniel: I had nothing to say sorry for. I only Copyright 2016 - 2024