After the Accident - Kerry Wilkinson Page 0,14

did it for Liz. I’m still waiting for my apology. Look at what I’ve done with my life and what she’s done with hers and tell me who you believe.

Emma: I didn’t want to be there any longer and knew we’d end up having another argument if I didn’t leave. I noticed that Claire and Victor were set up on the other side of the pool, so I left Julius with the girls and went around to them.

Daniel: She stomped off. Don’t know what her problem was.

Emma: Claire and Victor were on sunbeds right next to each other – but they were angling in opposite directions. They were like two pieces from different puzzles.

I told them what happened to Dad the night before and got more of a normal reaction from them. Claire said something like ‘Oh my goodness’, while Vic said that Dad was a chuffing good bloke and a right, jeffing inspiration to him.

Claire: I had to tell Vic to mind his language because there were kids right in front of us. He was always oblivious to things like that.

Emma: Claire immediately asked if there was anything she could do. I told her she could probably talk to Julius because he might need a bit of help with the girls if we all had to visit the hospital. She said that wouldn’t be a problem.

I kind of wished Vic wasn’t there because I think Claire and I might have had a proper conversation. From the meal the night before, I’d seen that she was a lot freer without him. Whenever they were together, it was like she was guarding herself. I thought about sitting down by her anyway – but I suppose if I’d done that, I wouldn’t have noticed what happened next.

Daniel: The pool thing? Are you joking?

Emma: I was on my way back to the cottage, but I had to pass Daniel and Liz on the way. Julius had disappeared by this point. There was this guy walking around the pool wearing a suit – and it was obvious he wasn’t a tourist. He said something about a ‘best deal’ and then passed me a card, like people sometimes do when you’re outside a supermarket, or wherever. It’s usually a coupon, or some sort of advert. This was for a car rental place a few streets away from the hotel. I was probably going to bin it – but I didn’t want to do it in front of him, so I ended up thanking him and holding onto it.

I didn’t know his name at the time, although I learned later it was Barak. He carried on for a few steps and then stopped in front of Daniel. He held his hands wide and goes: ‘Good to see you again, Mr Dorsey.’

Daniel: It was all a misunderstanding. That’s what happens when people can’t speak proper English.

Emma: Barak’s English was really good, but he definitely had an accent. That didn’t stop me hearing what he said.

Daniel isn’t one of those men who can hide his feelings. If he’s angry, his chest starts heaving and his face goes red. That’s exactly what happened when he looked back to Barak and replied: ‘I think you’re mistaken. We’ve never met. I’ve never been to this island.’ It was all through gritted teeth.

Daniel: I’d never met that man before in my life and I’d certainly never visited Galanikos before that trip.

Emma: Barak looked so confused, as if he was a puppy whose owner had left him outside a shop. This mix of hurt and bemusement.

Daniel snatched away a card and then Barak moved onto the other side of the pool. I watched him as he went and he kept looking back towards Daniel, wondering what had just happened.

Daniel: That girl’s deluded if she told you that.

Emma: I was wondering what had just happened – then Daniel leapt up and pulled a cigar from his back pocket. He didn’t say anything, just marched away towards the smoking area.

Liz: It was all a big misunderstanding. I think I’d know if my husband had gone on holiday.

Emma: Misunderstanding, my arse.

Chapter Five


Emma: I went back to my cottage after the incident with Daniel at the pool. Mum had asked me to look at flights off the island, but there didn’t seem much point, considering Dad was still unconscious.

I didn’t want to spend time around the pool because it seemed like Daniel and Liz were camped there for the day, plus I wasn’t in Copyright 2016 - 2024