Yes Chef, No Chef - By Susan Willis Page 0,124

news that he hadn’t been with Julie was better than she could have hoped for and she slept more soundly that night than she had done for weeks. She rang Lisa at work to tell her all the news and although Lisa was delighted she still urged caution. Katie also learned that loved-up Sarah had rang to say Simon was staying at her flat most nights but would meet them both for lunch on Saturday at the bistro with all her news.

That night Katie emailed him first.

To tim.davies from katie.charles

Hey there. Hope you had a good night’s sleep and lay off that red wine! Look where it got you in the past and you know it’s not the answer. I was just hoping to carry on where we left off and was wondering how it seems easier to talk to each other in cyberspace rather than at home. Maybe it’s true that absence does make the heart grow stronger? When I woke up this morning and thought of what we’d said to each other and how close I feel to you again it’s hard to remember why the last few months actually happened. Why couldn’t we have just talked to each other?

Yours, Kate. XX

From tim.davies to katie.charles

Em, it was only one glass with dinner and I can take it or leave it now. I know, it does seem easier on here, doesn’t it? Maybe it helps not being face to face and you know how tired emotional upheaval makes me feel – I slept for ten hours last Saturday when I left your place. Anyway, I just want to add that when you left me I was in total shock. You see, I’ve never been dumped since I was at university and it was a horrible feeling to be rejected like that again. I thought we were both in it for the long haul but you just up and walked out as though what we had was worthless. And, as I told you last Saturday I am truly sorry about the way I behaved towards you. So, I will admit I was definitely out of order and you had every reason to be pissed off with me.

Your Tim XX

To tim.davies from katie.charles

Well, at least you’ve recognised there was a problem and you’re sorting yourself out now. And, as we are baring our souls, I have to say if I’d shown more interest in your job by coming to the restaurant I would have found out why you came home in such a foul temper every night. I should have tried to support and understand you rather than kick-off all the time. But on the Sunday when I walked out, I honestly thought you’d come after me and when you didn’t I reckoned you mustn’t have cared too much about us either – Ditto!

Your Kate XX

There was no answer to the last email that night and she resisted the urge to send another. She felt as though she’d said all she could now and although she knew now how sorry he was, she needed to know that he was still in love with her. Snuggling down under the covers she turned out her bedside lamp and longingly stroked the empty side of the bed wishing he was there and wrapped around her body.

The next day she arrived in the bistro for lunch with Sarah and Lisa. Nearly every table was full as she wove her way through to their usual corner smiling at a large family gathered around a table laughing and shouting birthday wishes to an elderly relative.

Sarah was taking off her coat and had her back to Katie when she approached the table. “Hey, stranger,” she said and Sarah swung around to face her. They hugged for longer than usual. “Wow, you look radiant!” Katie gushed grinning at her. It was the only word she could think of to describe the glow and happiness shining out of Sarah’s small face.

Just as Katie was removing her jacket the strong distinctive aroma of Oscar de La Renta hit her and she knew Lisa was behind her.

It was Lisa’s turn now to hold Sarah at arm’s length. Staring at her she cried, “Just look at you! He’s got to be Mr Right, then?”

Sarah looked from Katie to Lisa and urged them to sit down. “Yep, Simon is the one. He’s definitely my Mr Right,” she said grinning. “And I couldn’t be happier. In fact, I’m so happy, that frankly, it scares me Copyright 2016 - 2024