Yes Chef, No Chef - By Susan Willis Page 0,123

in the greenhouse. Frances had laughed until the tears rolled her down her chubby cheeks and then Katie explained what had happened so far with Tim and how they were at least talking again but that he’d gone off to France.

“And he’s had rave reviews in The Telegraph about his new royal wedding recipes for the banquet,” she said handing the newspaper cutting to Frances. “I’m so proud of what he’s managed to do and how he’s turning the place around.”

When Frances was pulling on her coat at the front door and Katie was reluctantly bidding her goodnight she smiled and lightly touched Katie’s cheek. “If it’s any help, I agree with Lisa on this one. Make him sweat and be doubly sure he’s definitely changed before you go steaming back in, love. I’d hate to see you hurt again,” she said.

Katie hugged her. “I will and thanks again for coming.”

Frances started to walk down the path and turning she called over her shoulder. “But I really hope it does work out for you, Katie, because I still think he’s your other half in life.”

Finally on the fourth day late at night an email arrived.

From tim.davies to katie.charles

Hi Kate, Hope you are well and have plenty of work? I’m staying in Chambery in a budget hotel which is quaint, not at all practical, and very French! You would love it but personally I miss a good power shower in the morning.

I’m so pleased we talked before I left for the trip and I’ll be eternally grateful you were prepared to listen to me. I know now it’s what I should have done the day after you walked out but I was in such a bad place.

Anyway, I’ve met up with loads of suppliers & contacts and already have a bag full of flavours, spices, cheese and wine samples to bring home. I’ve been thinking of you at the meetings and wondered if I should bring some of the samples round for you to try when I get home?

Yours, Tim

PS. Hopefully you’ll be kneading some bread when I call around? I don’t know about you but I can’t stop thinking about that afternoon! XX

To tim.davies from katie.charles

Great to hear from you, pleased you’re enjoying yourself and yes, I’d love to see your samples when you get home. I do think of the afternoon we kneaded bread but when I’d upset you and you stormed off I spent the next few days in a state of turmoil and confusion? And then after our disastrous day working together and talking things through, to be honest I feel even more confused than ever? We’ve still got a lot to talk about because I need to be certain that you have changed and I also need to know exactly who this Julie is? But, on a positive note, it was lovely to talk on Saturday and enjoy a meal together like the old days - and I didn’t realise how much I’d missed it, And you!

Yours, Kate XXX

From tim.davies to katie.charles

Julie was a dinner date in an effort to try and get you out of my head. We both ended up very drunk and yes we had a couple of passionate snogs. But the truth of the matter is that when we got back to her flat I was too drunk to actually perform (if you know what I mean). I still haven’t managed to get past that base with anyone else – you’re a hard act to follow!

Have you?

Yours, Tim. XX

To tim.davies from katie.charles

Well, I did get very close to it with a butcher who had enormous hands (it’s a long story) and my next door neighbour got a little steamy with me in his greenhouse when I was mesmerised by his courgettes and cucumbers but I decided having a fling with my next door neighbour was probably not the best idea I’d ever had. So the answer is no, I’m still

Your, Kate XXXXX

From tim.davies to katie.charles

Aw, Kate. That’s just the best news I’ve had for ages. I’ve just had a glass of red wine and my eyes are drooping with tiredness. Can we talk some more tomorrow?


To tim.davies from katie.charles

Yes please, and you’ll see I’ve scanned the article from The Telegraph and attached it to this email. The review about your new recipes is fantastic, it says the restaurant offers first-class food and uses words like quintessentially British with extraordinarily elegant versions of jelly and custard – well done you!!

Sweet dreams.

Kate. X

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